Saturday, March 7, 2015

Boy Scout Trail And Willow Hole

Saturday: (03/07) We were up with the sun. Lou fixed breakfast sandwiches.

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We drove over to the Boy Scout Trail trailhead. There was confusion on the length of the trail. By scale on the map I had guessed it was 7-9 miles. There was no other info on the trail. Eventually I found a list of trails on in the park paper. It listed the trail as 1-2 days and 15.4 miles. So, I was prepared for a long hike but unsure it really would be. It turns out my estimate was correct. The trail was 7.7 miles. The paper listed the out and back length of the hike. I was only doing a one way hike.

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I did do a side hike out to Willow Hole. I even found water.

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Above left are the willow trees, on the right a view of the rocks above the hole.

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It got drier and had smaller different rocks as i made my way down toward 29 Palms.

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So the total hike was 12.4 miles and I arrived at the lower trailhead just before Lou arrived at the appointed noon meeting time. We then looked around the Indian Cove Campground where they were having  multi county search and rescue training event. Then a stop at the Elks Club for a craft fair. Then we stopped for lunch at Santana Mexican Restaurant. I had a nice chili relleno an taco and Lou had a great chili Verde nacho.

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An evening walk at the Live Oak picnic area finished the day. There is, of course, an oak tree there, a rare item in the desert. Also there was sme water below an old dam across the wash.

Joshua Tree NP Boy Scout Trail
Dry flowers on a bush.

While I was out, Lou had the radio on playing forties music. A big bird with a long bent beak that has been fluttering about our camp started singing. She turned off the radio and it stopped. When the radio was turned back on it started singing again. There is a direct relationship. It likes her music. We also have a bunny hanging around with morning and evening visits. And then there is the squirrel that climbs on top of one of the jumbo rocks nearby and watches the campground looking for potential handout providers. Roast chicken, macaroni salad and vegetables for dinner.

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