Monday, January 1, 2024

January 2024

Monday: (01/01) A nice mostly sunny day. A banana to start. For breakfast I prepared corned beef hash and eggs. After breakfast I went to our neighbor’s house and got her disposer unstuck. Leftover fried rice for lunch. Grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. .

Tuesday: (01/02) A banana for breakfast. We went to IKEA for a look around. We stopped for lunch at the Cardenas Mexican market across the street. Then we drove up to San Carlos to a thrift store. I had leftover corned beef hash and eggs for dinner. Lou and Dawn had cabbage.

Wednesday: (01/03) Banana and cottage cheese for breakfast. I hiked the Stanford Dish loop this morning. When I got back to the van I had some salad for lunch then took a nap. After the nap I went shopping. I visited Walmart Neighborhood, Grocery Outlet and Smart and Final Markets. I also filled the gas tank on the way home. I found the elusive missing tomales than Lou and I had searched all the refrigerators and freezers for but couldn’t find for days. They were planned to be eaten tor New Years Dinner but we had to eat leftovers. But tonight we did, finally, eat tamales for dinner.

Thursday: (01/04) A banana for breakfast. I worked in the van on my Windows laptop. It hasn’t been used since August. I usually just use my Chromebook because all I need is email and Internet access. I need the Windows laptop because it is time to do my taxes and I wanted to get a head start. That last use of the laptop was to finally complete last year's tax return. It took awhile to get windows and all the security apps updated and install the tax software. Chinese food from Wok’s On Express in Sunnyvale. I order a mostly usual lunch with 1/2 pork fried rice, 1 ⁄ 2 chicken chow mein, Peking pork chops, and a new selection, garlic chicken. It was next to the pork chops. I should have looked over the entire selection because they have added walnut shrimp to their regular buffet now, my favorite. Next time, I need to remember. In the afternoon, Lou had some cinnamon rolls come out of the oven for an afternoon treat. I worked in the afternoon on the computer without actually getting too much tax data collection done. Too many distractions.

Friday: (01/05) Up at 0700 and on the road at 0730 headed to Henry Coe State Park. I had planned on getting there early before the 0930 hike and cooking breakfast there. Well, it’s a long way there. I arrived about 0905. Only enough time to pay the parking fee, make a sandwich for lunch , and eat some granola. This hike was out to China Hole, a pond about 5 miles out. A little over a 10 mile hike today. Tara had 21 hikers for this hike. It was a good workout with a good climb back to the start. Back at the van I made a call to schedule the motorhome to get the shocks replaced again, then had leftover Chinese food for lunch and then took a nap. The nap was interrupted with a call from Lou. It was enough though. Sometimes just 10 minutes is enough. I drove down the mountain to Gilroy. I filled the gas tank then visited Walmart. I got a few more things for lunches and dinners. I decided to continue on down to the Pinnacles. I hung around Walmart until 2100 downloading youtube videos because there is no cell coverage in the park. Then I drove on down to spend the night at a wide spot in the road just outside the park.

Saturday: (01/06) Up early and entered the park about 0600. I parked at the Peaks View parking lot. I prepared breakfast scrambled eggs with ham and cheese for breakfast. I watched the High Peaks brought to life by the rising sun. About 0800 I hiked out the South Wilderness Trail. I hiked to the park boundary , the end of the trail. I jumped the fence and continued another ½ miles. I had to cross the stream several times until I camped to a spot that I would have had to wade across and down the stream. I turned around and headed back for an 8 mile hike. This is always a nice hike through an oak forest valley. I enjoyed ½ a burrito for lunch about 1400 before departing. I headed South on Highway 25 to the Coalinga Road. I made it to my campsite at Sweetwater Campground about 1630. It is a nice free BLM campground. A nice salad for dinner.

Sunday: (01/07) 28 degrees and clear this morning. We had heavy rain yesterday evening. Ham with granola for breakfast. 0900 it was up to 31 degrees, I started my hike on Trail L3 onto L2. I hiked out about 1.8 miles and decided to turn back. Just as I was complimenting the mountain for not being muddy after the rain, I started slipping and sliding. I think what happened is I was hiking up the mountain on the West side on frozen mud. When I passed over the top onto the East side of the mountain, I couldn't get any traction. It was downhill so continuing down might have been possible but I would have had to return back up the mountain with more and worse mud. From the top it would have been 3 miles down to my destination. I decided to turn back and avoid all the problems the mud might have caused me. Probably would have been enjoyable. I drove on to the next campground and another trailhead for lunch. I had a chicken breast and some apple pie.

About 1330 I decided to try to get to Laguna Falls from the Laguna Mountain Trailhead where I had lunch. The trail didn’t have much mud so I made the 2.7 miles out to the falls. It was quite a climb down to the falls from the trail, something like Alamere up North. It involved using a rope to get up the gravel slide path. After the hike I continued SE on Coalinga Road. I stopped at the Condon CG and considered staying the night there but decided to continue on down to Coalinga. I got some dinner at the China Express restaurant then drove out by Highway 5 at the Harris Ranch exit. I parked across the road from a Starbucks in a vacant lot by a canal after filling the gas tank.

Monday: (01/08) Granola for breakfast. Up early. I checked out the Harris Ranch and was surprised that the truck stop there has been replaced by a BBQ Express restaurant and 100 Tesla chargers. I headed North on I5 to Panoche Road. Pancho road quickly turned into a dirt road then a mud road. Here was a pair of compacted mud tracks that i followed. Otherwise it looked like 6 inches of soft mud. I was a little concerned but thought it would get better shortly. It did after 10 miles but all went well. I checked out a BLM area along the way but it seems to be mostly for target shooting, not a good area to hike. Just before the dirt road ended and a little pavement appeared I had to cross a water forward about 30 feet wide and a foot deep. Again a little studying and considering and then plunge in passing through with no [problems. The paved road was actually just a collection of patches with a lot of 4-6” deep potholes. A lot of slalom driving was needed. I came out to Little Pancho Road and it was a really good road headed back to I5. I didn't know such a road enlisted so I took it out to Little Pancho Reservoir just before I5 where I stopped for lunch. I had leftover burrito. I had also stopped on the way at another BLM area but it is closed until April to protect a lizard. After a short walk by the reservoir, enough to scare all the ducks across the water, I returned the way I came back to Pancho Road. I had passed New Indria Road on the way out so I returned and took it as far as I could. I knew the road to the Indrai Mine was closed so I couldn't get through but wanted to see what was out that way. Shortly after starting on the New Indrai Road there was a sign saying the road was closed, which I ignored. Then a short distance later it said the bridge was out, so I continued, a little slower. I ended up stopping for the night where the bridge was out about 15 miles later. If I had the Jeep I might have continued. Before it got dark two trucks loaded with motorcycles came up through the gulch, having forwarded the mud and stream. Another truck came in the way I had but decided to return since they only had two wheel drive and tires as bald as mine. I enjoyed the night all by myself and saw no other traffic. I had a vegetable tray for dinner.

Tuesday: (01/09) Granola for breakfast. I was up before the sun. On the road after 0700. I returned down Idria Road to Panoche Road, then Highway 25 and home. I stopped for lunch at the LongHouse Restaurant in Gilroy. Some garlic pork chops with eggs, hash browns and pancakes for lunch. Traffic was nice all the way home on 101 and 85. I got gas in Mountain View before getting home. I prepared the motorhome to roll for tomorrow's appointment to get the shocks replaced. Lou’s Brussel’s sprouts with bacon and onions, Rice, and diced garlic pork chops for dinner.

Wednesday: (01/10). We dashed off early to Ross Truck in San Jose. They said they were going to replace my, seemingly bad shocks on the motorhome. As has been the case for a while they really didn’t have a mechanic to do the work, didn’t want to do it without being paid again and generally were annoying. While the shocks are very different from before their replacement and I did get wobble over 50 I will be looking at whether another bunch of shocks are what is really needed. They may call in a few days if they have time available to actually check for the problem rather than just replace the shocks. I’m not holding my breath and will likely seek other repair options. We went to breakfast after that at the Country Inn in Los Altos. I had an eye exam in the afternoon. Lou drove me because they said I needed a driver due to dilation of my eyes. They didn’t dilate so that really wasn’t needed. I did some van cleanup and prep. Leftovers for dinner.

Thursday: (01/11) Banana with peanut butter with my morning pills. Lou needed some bell peppers to prepare breakfast so we went to the Grocery Outlet. Our peppers only cost $75, the usual problem with looking around the store. Back home, Lou prepared Macaroni and cheese for brunch. I did some cleanup in the van. I emptied the solid and liquid containers in the compost toilet. I went to get my teeth cleaned at 1300. After that I picked up some Chinese food for lunch from Wok On restaurant in Sunnyvale. I also stopped at REI for some socks and electrolyte gummies.

Friday: (01/12) Banana to start. Lou made corned beef hash and eggs for breakfast. I made enchiladas for lunch. In the afternoon I drained the motorhome tanks and filled it’s water. I also drained the gray water tank in the van and filled it’s water. I also washed the van. I had a 1630 appointment at Kaiser to get the new frames for my glasses. Leftover enchiladas for dinner.

Saturday: (01/13) Banana to start. Then some leftover enchiladas for breakfast. I reparked the motorhome and leveled it and put out the slides. I decided any further repairs for the suspension will be done later. I won't be waiting here at home for the shop to maybe get me in. Leftover Chinese food for lunch. I moved everything back into the motorhome that was temporarily stored in its bedroom and in the van. Lou went to Harry’s Hofbrau to get a prime rib dinner for Dawn and herself. dinner and some vegetable lasagna for me.

Sunday: (01/14) Banana to start. Granola for breakfast. I did a little reorganizing of the shop and brought out the saw. I cut some plywood for a folding bed platform. Roast pork with garlic mashed potatoes and corn on the cob for lunch. After lunch I made a shopping run to Harbor Freight looking for some hinges. They had none so on to Lowe’s. Back home, I installed the hinges on the van bed platform assembly and test fitted it. It was too long. I cut off ½ “ and tried again. Then it was ½” too small. That may be a benefit for fitting into place. I also bought a cushion that fit the platform.It worked fine, tight but comfortable. I’ll need a second one to make it full length. The folded platform fits under the sink. Leftover lasagna and peas for dinner.

Monday: (01/15) MLK Day. Banana with granola to start the day. I prepared to get on the road. Lou made brunch of fried eggs and roast. I departed at about 1100. I stopped for gas in Morgan Hill figuring I wanted full tanks on Highway 25 and gas is 20-30 cents cheaper in Morgan Hill than in Gilroy. As it happened I didn’t go down Highway 25 I went down highway 101 to San Luis and then headed East to Indian Valley Road. I had thought it was the road that went to Parkfield. It didn't. It ended up back out at Highway 101 at San Ardo. So, I went down to Paso Robles and took Highway 46 toward Bakersfield Then Highway 5 to Rosedale Highway. I stopped at Winco Market for a couple of items the tried to stop at Milt’s Cafe for some deep pit BBQ. No luck. Not only were they closed at 1830 but Milts is gone and someone else is operating the restaurant so I fear my deep pit BBQ is no more. I then went to the Rice Bowl Chinese restaurant but it was closed. Hopefully a Monday or MLK Day thing. I ended up at Bill Lee’s Chinese restaurant for a nice Cantonese shrimp dinner with cashew chicken chow mein and fried rice. Also nice to get some leftovers for later. I then checked for the cheapest gas nearby and found some for $3.91. I then headed out of town on Highway 178 through the Kern River Canyon where I stopped for the night beside the road on Old Kern Canyon Road.

Tuesday: (01/16) Banana with granola to start the day. I continued on Highway 178 to Highway 14. I turned onto a road to Randsberg and out to Highway 395. Then onto Highway 58 and then, after a stop for gas in Barstow, I took Highway 40 into Arizona then down to Lake Havasu. I stopped at Walmart for some mustard. I forgot it on my previous shopping stop and needed it today for my corned beef and cabbage lunch at a rest stop on Highway 40. Of course more than mustard ended up in my bag. A salad, some vegetables and erc. 60 cents for mustard turned into a 15 dollar purchase.I stopped for the night above Sara park overlooking Lake Havasu lake and city at some BLM property. It’s where we watch the pyrotechnics shows in February.

Wednesday: 01/17) Banana with granola to start the day.I then headed off to Walmart to get some dental floss bows. I only had one left and even though I noted it while at home, I didn't add it to van stock. Actually I also intended to put the bike back into the van and to add my never used snowshoes to the van as well. Still lots to do though. They are usually hard to find but Walmart is the best place to find them. I then returned to the hill I was at last night and cooked my breakfast of leftover corned beef hash and eggs. I then continued South on Highway 95 to Parker. With a stop and the casino there. They used to have some excellent pizza by the slice at their snack bar. The snack bar doesn;t exist any more.. I continued on to Quartzsite and took a driving tour. Almost all the RV dealer lots are gone and more than half the vendor stalls are gone. The big tent show doesn't start until Friday so I have two more days to look around town. While looking around the vendors at Tyson Wells I ended up finding some Items I can use including some carpet squares for the van floor. I had more corned beef and cabbage for dinner, this time with mustard. Before it got dark I drove over to Scandia Wash, one of the 14 day BLM camp areas. A crew was working on the freeway next to my camp grinding and then paving the slow lane of the freeway.

Thursday: (01/18) Banana to start. About 0900 I headed over to Barbi’s cafe for a breakfast burrito. I checked out the two markets, the old Country Store and the Roadrunner. Roadrunner is now the best market in town. I drove around the neighborhoods a little and came across the RTR event. It is the Road Tramp Rendezvous put on by the HOWA (Home On Wheels Alliance) . It was free so I hung around for a few hours listening to the speakers talking about living in vans. I had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch then listened to some more. About 1430 They were through with the informational part and some musical group was coming on so I left. I explored the shops along Main Street. I needed some cable straps and found a nice Indian blanket for the van bed. I also learned the old full service hardware store was now gone but the old Big Market was now a hardware store and liquor store. No food any more and now fully stocked with hardware unlike a few years ago. I returned to my campsite from last night about 1630 and had a chicken breast and steamed broccoli for dinner. The grinding and paving crew was back again this evening doing the fast lane tonight.

Friday: (01/19) Granola and a banana for breakfast. I attended one last Q&A at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR). Then I drove over to Tyson Wells to look around. About 1730 I drove out to my campsite but someone else decided they liked where I had been stopping so I found another spot for the night. Chinese food for lunch and dinner.

Saturday: (01/20) I awoke at 0400 and decided I might as well get started. I drove over to Tyson Wells and parked right near the entrance to the Big Top entrance which will make my enjoyment of the REV show better. I prepared my banana and granola breakfast to start. The show opened at 0900 and there was quite a crowd by then. I did a tour of the tent and outside vendors. Lou called and was considering driving down with Dawn but then realized she has an appointment Tuesday to get new tires on the Jeep and doesn’t want to drive it much without the new tires. I had a salad for lunch then took another tour of the show vendors. I ended up getting a telescoping ladder from KB tools near the van. It will allow me to get on the roof to work and clean. About 1445 I left my prime parking spot and headed off toward Yuma. I got some cash, gas, and groceries then went ot Eat Asian Buffet for dinner. Wonderful dinner. After dinner i drove over to Andrade, California and stopped for the night in the casino parking lot. I took a nice shower in the evening.

Sunday: (01/21/) Granola and a banana for breakfast. I headed into town to a laundromat and did my laundry. Of course, even after looking around to throw in everything that wasn't in the laundry bag, after the dryer was almost done i noticed my dish and bath towels and washcloth. Then I returned to Andrade and crossed the border into Los Algodones, Mexico. I was considering some driving glasses and some of the wonderful shrimp tacos we had on previous visits. I walked the streets and found most of the street vendors were gone and many of the permanent stores as well. There were several pharmacies and dental offices but only one optical open. Even if it were not Sunday I fear it has shrunk a lot. My taco vendor was there but there were no other customers at the usually crowded spot. My taco would have used some shrimp that had been hanging around too long. I decided to maintain my tasty memory and not have lunch. I returned to the US and was the only person in line to check in with no delay where there is usually an hour or more delay to reenter. I then headed out to Imperial Dam and Senator Wash. I camped at Squaw Lake. It was only $7.50 per night. I signed up for two nights because we are supposed to have two more rainy days. It has been raining pretty good all day today. Only self contained campers are allowed here right now because the power to the showers and restrooms is out and has been for more than a year. Salad for dinner.

Monday: (01/22) Granola and a banana for breakfast. It was overcast so there was no solar today. I took a drive to charge the batteries. I also dumped the gray water tank and filled the fresh water tank. I returned to my Squaw Lake campsite and prepared ham and eggs with toast for lunch. It rained pretty heavily all afternoon. I had some ramen noodles and a chicken breast for dinner.

Tuesday: (01/23) Granola for breakfast. I headed back to Yuma. I filled the gas, again. Then I got a few things at Walmart. Then it was time to visit the Eat Chinese Buffet for lunch, again. After that I headed out to Freeway 8 toward Organ Pipe National Monument. I stopped in Dateland for a date milk shake. I didn’t find one near Yuma. I stopped for the night near Why, Arizona on some BLM land outside of the monument. Salad and soup for dinner. It was overcast all day. In the evening we had some heavy rain and thunder and lightning. Nice. The weather is supposed to start clearing up after midnight and just be partly cloudy for a couple of days then sunny.

Wednesday: (01/24) Salad for breakfast. I drove into Organ Pipe National Monument. I checked the Visitor Center but it wasn’t open. It was only 0830 and it opened at 0900. I drove on out on the 21 mile Ajo Mountain Loop Road. I stopped at several places to admire the desert. I also took hikes at Arch Rock and Estes Canyon/Bull pasture. Between hikes I had some chili and ramen noodles for lunch. I serviced the compost toilet on the way out and was ready to dispose of the compost if a trash bin was available. I also drove out to Alamo Canyon Campground to check it out for a possible stay. It has to be reserved online and there is no Internet available in the park. Back home at the BLM spot, I had some French fries and chicken strips for dinner.

Thursday: (01/25) Granola and a banana for breakfast. I drove into the monument early and took the North Puerto Blanco Road to the Red Tanks Trailhead. I relaxed and enjoyed my tea overlooking the cacti and listening to the morning bird songs. After a while a couple arrived in their van. We discussed the nearby trails, which I have hiked before. I gave them a little of my knowledge of the trails and off they went. Another guy arrived in his jeep and headed off on the trail. My singing birds were now quiet so I prepared to head off on my hike. I only planned a shorter key loop hike, not the bigger mines loop I had discussed with the other couple but when I got to the apex of my hike I continued on the mine loop. That changed my hike from 7 miles to 11 miles. The weather was perfect, about 79 degrees with broken clouds for mor=st of the hike. I only saw one other hiker on the loop but I did catch up to the couple about 2 miles before the end of the loop. Bobbi and Tom , the couple, were from Colorado. They took a tour of my van. Tom is modifying his van. I relaxed at the van and had dinner there before heading back to the BLM area for the night. I did stop at the Visitor Center on the way. Back at camp, I went farther out to an isolated spot. I took a shower and settled in for the night.

Friday: (01/26) A banana for breakfast. Later, in Gila Junction, I got a breakfast croissant from Burger King. I drove up Highway 85 to Highway 60 to Highway 95, through Parker and Lake Havasu. In Havasu, I got dinner at a panda Express and more gas ($3.09). Then I headed up the hill just outside of Havasu onto some BLM land and took an 1.5 hour nap before continuing on up to I40 and onto Golden Shores Road then back onto Highway 95 to Bullhead City and across into Nevada at Laughlin. I stopped for the night at the Riverside Casino.

Saturday: (01/27) A chili relleno for breakfast. They are as good as expected. I drove across to highway 95 then up to Boulder City. I got gas and some groceries there. Then I drove out to Boulder Dam to peak at the water level. It does look slightly higher than previously, still way low.I then went into Lake Mead national Recreation Area and drove up the North SHore Road. Lake Mead NRA is the first and largest NRA. I stopped at the Redstone picnic area and had another chili relleno with chips and salsa that I got last night from Casa Sereno restaurant at the Riverside. After lunch I took a walk around the area looking at the red rocks. I continued up the road and stopped at Rogers Spring then found a campsite at Stewarts Point BLM area just South of the Valley Of Fire park. Not crowded. I see evidence of donkeys passing through. I hope to see some. I haven’t seen any anywhere else yet.

Sunday: (01/28) Granola and a banana for breakfast. I headed off early into Valley Of Fire State Park. I did several short hikes which amounted to almost all the trails in the park. I extended a couple of the hikes to do some rock hopping when the out and back trail ended. I saw lots of evidence of mountain goats. It turns out they do actually exist. There was a herd of seven mountain goats beside the road to White Dome. There is no stopping along the road except at designated parking areas. I proceeded to a parking spot and returned with a chair and my tea and watched the goats for more than an hour. I had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. About 1530, after doing all the hikes possible, I headed out of the park. If you are in the park after sunset they consider you a trespasser. I checked the campgrounds in the park and both were full. I also looked at the arch rock there. Then I continued out of the park and stopped outside the park at a BLM area North of the park for the night. I took a shower and had a chicken breast, salad and some carrots for dinner.

Monday: (01/29) Granola and a banana for breakfast. I stopped in North Las Vegas at Jerry’s Casino. 0830 I picked up a slice of cheesecake for a later desert. I drove around Las Vegas to see a little of how it has changed. I also got a couple of things from the market and got gas. I headed up toward Pahrump but turned off before getting there on a road to Tecopa. I stopped at the Desert Hot Springs cafe and brewery. I had a BBQ tri-tip baked potato and a ½ oint of one of their brews for lunch. I drove through Death Valley NP. I tried to find a place near where I camped the last time I was here. I didn’t find any wide spots to camp on the road which ended at a volunteer cabin that had the flag up and someone there. I returned to the main road and continued through the park and stopped for the night about 30 miles before Lone Pine next to Highway 190. For dinner, I had a chicken breast, salad and some carrots for dinner. I enjoyed the cheesecake for dessert. Nice to plan ahead.

Tuesday: (01/30) I was up before the sun. I had a ham, egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast. Then I drove down the mountain into Lone Pine. I explored around the Alabama Hills and took a walk to the arch. Then I finally made the choice between going North of South. North won. I had gotten a little gas in Lone Pine but didn’t fill the tank because gas is much cheaper further up in Independence. I filled the tank at an Indian gas station there and saved 40 cents a gallon. I stopped in Bishop for a couple of things from the market. Then I continued up to Bridgeport where I had hoped to get lunch of Carne Asad fries at a good drive-in there. They were closed. So, rather than settling for less. I continued up to Lee Vining with the intent to get something at a deli there. It was closed as was most of the town. Continuing on, I stopped at a Mexican restaurant in Carson City because the parking lots were jammed at it. I had the best stuffed chilies then they were stuffed with diced tri tip, sliced almonds and other things all covered in a creaming cheese sauce with pomegranate seeds sprinkled on it. Excellent and now a destination restaurant. I then drove up to Reno with the intent of stopping for the night at the Atlantic Casino. But they no longer allow overnight stays. On through downtown and out to Cabelas. They don’t allow overnight anymore either so I continued up the hill to the rest stop at Donner Pass. There was three feet of snow there. With a big storm approaching and high winds expected I decided to continue down lower but ended up going all the way home arriving about 2300.

Wednesday: (01/31) A banana to start the day. Lou was off to Bakersfield by 0900. I washed the van to get the mud off before it starts raining today. Then I got a sausage, egg, and cheese English muffin from Happy Donut. Then I got an oil change in the van, filled the gas tank, and bought some new tires for the Van. I tried to get them from Costco. I ordered them and scheduled an installation time but read the email which said “Full Size Sedans, SUV's, 3/4 Ton Trucks or Lower”. That word “lower” made me call them to see if my height would be a problem. It wasn’t but my vehicle weight was too much for them. I ended up canceling the order. I got them at an America’s Tire store. While Costco would have been a week for delivery, America’s Tire will have them tomorrow. I had some potato soup and chicken for lunch. Dawn and I had salad for dinner.