Breakfast across the street at a nice cafe. I rode over to the Azlea Garden to look around. Not much there except for the biggest and most interesting wooden play structure I've seen.
I also rode around the neighborhood behind the bluff above the harbor. Interesting mixture of trailers, molile homes and houses. Actually a nice area.
This evening I met the guy I've seen flying his RC plane around the field next to the RV park. He seems to be an expert. He looked over my plane and determined one of my actuators was bad. I'll meet with him tomorrow to replace the actuator and he'll give me a lesson on flying the thing. One of his current students came by and he flew his Slo-V plane which is identical to mine with no problems. Hopefully mine will do the same tomorrow.
Lou and Dawn returned this evening.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Darwin Award Candidate
It's unfortunate, especially for the victim, but there was a Darwin Award event yesterday afternoon. A big 45' Alfa motorhome pulled into the campground. While hooking up his RV, he decided that he needed more than the 30 amps available at the site. He proceeded to open the service pedestal and attempt to bypass the circuit breakers so he could, presumably, get 50 amp service. Mind you, its rather pleasent here on the coast with high temperatures in the 60's to low 70's. Being a big rig he would need 50 amps to run both his AC units. Since he just arrived, possibly from hotter climates inland, he must have thought he'd need the AC. He has probably done this trick many times before. He won't be doing it again. He electrocuted himself. Fortunately he was traveling alone so he didn't ruin his co-travellers day. He did ruin his neighbors visit. They left the next morning. You really can't be too careful with electricity.
I worked with live electric circuits for more than 30 years, even live underground circuits during rain storms. It can be done, but you can never be casual about it. Among other things, there should be a real good reason to do it. I worked on traffic signals and in an area where there are a lot of ignorant drivers. If you turned them off there would be at least one accident. That seems like a possible good reason. Having an extra air conditioner running doesn't seem that important. If it is, then the next important thing is to do it right. The right shoes, the right gloves, using only one hand, not touching or leaning on anything else. In other words assure you don't and can't become the conductor. There aren't too many second chances.
I worked with live electric circuits for more than 30 years, even live underground circuits during rain storms. It can be done, but you can never be casual about it. Among other things, there should be a real good reason to do it. I worked on traffic signals and in an area where there are a lot of ignorant drivers. If you turned them off there would be at least one accident. That seems like a possible good reason. Having an extra air conditioner running doesn't seem that important. If it is, then the next important thing is to do it right. The right shoes, the right gloves, using only one hand, not touching or leaning on anything else. In other words assure you don't and can't become the conductor. There aren't too many second chances.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
History Of WWII In Brookings
Brookings has the honor of being the only place, on mainland USA, that the Japanese bombed during WWII. A plane launched from a submarine attempted to set the forest on fire with an incinderary bomb
Brookings Bike Rides
An early morning low tide walk at the Harris Beach tide pools. Grand views here.
Starfish on the rocks, tide pools.
Interesting pattern in the sand. A nice bumble bee on yellow flowers on a higher rock in the tide pool area.
Other flowers on the same rock in the tide pool area.
Trail at the beach. And a nice big rock at the tide pools.
I took a couple of trips around town on my bike. There are a few hills around these parts so it was a strain on these old bones, but fun. I looked around some of the neighborhoods in consideration of potentially moving here. Nice town. For a town of 6000+ people, the library is extrememly large, a good sign.
I watched a capable RC plane hobbiest fly his Stryker F27 RC plane all over with no problems. It is a smaller plane with a more powerful engine, and had a pilot that evidently knew how to fly it. It looks like an F16 fighter and really cruises. Mine gets blown over in the wind gusts. Someday!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Brookings, Oregon
I headed North to Brookings Oregon. Attempted to stay at Harris Ranch State Park but there wasn't anything available. This state park has extremely nice tide pools. I went over to Brookings Harbor to the Beachfront RV Park. Right by the Marinas on the beach, actually the jetty for the harbor. Very nice place. Excellent view for the satellite.
It's overcast and a little foggy/drippy this morning. By afternoon it was clear skys and sunny and perfect.

The beach at Brookings in the evening. A view of the RV Park from the beach.

Pelicans on a rock, and everywhere else around Brookings Harbor.

One of the many things missing in California, Fred Meyers.
It's overcast and a little foggy/drippy this morning. By afternoon it was clear skys and sunny and perfect.
The beach at Brookings in the evening. A view of the RV Park from the beach.
Pelicans on a rock, and everywhere else around Brookings Harbor.
One of the many things missing in California, Fred Meyers.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Crescent City, Day 3
Lou and Don took a walk around the fairgrounds and north and west of the fairgrounds. We found a nice market and hardware store we hadn't seen from the highway. They will be opening a Home Depot next door to the hardware store so they won't be around much longer, too bad.

We went out to the Battery Point Light House to take a tour but were too late. The tide was already on it's way in. The tours are usually from 10am un til the tide comes in right now.That was noon today, about the time we arrived. We walked out anyway and looked around outside. Nice views from there. By the time we were through, the path back was being washed by waves.

We then went over to the Northcoast Marine Mammal Center about a bock away. We hung around watching the 11 rescued harbor seal pups until feeding time at 2 pm. They are cute.
Lou and Dawn started for home for an appointment tomorrow. They'll return Saturday.
Today was laundry day, always fun. This time it went very fast. Only took a little over an hour. Nice new machines. Simple pleasures.
We went out to the Battery Point Light House to take a tour but were too late. The tide was already on it's way in. The tours are usually from 10am un til the tide comes in right now.That was noon today, about the time we arrived. We walked out anyway and looked around outside. Nice views from there. By the time we were through, the path back was being washed by waves.
We then went over to the Northcoast Marine Mammal Center about a bock away. We hung around watching the 11 rescued harbor seal pups until feeding time at 2 pm. They are cute.
Lou and Dawn started for home for an appointment tomorrow. They'll return Saturday.
Today was laundry day, always fun. This time it went very fast. Only took a little over an hour. Nice new machines. Simple pleasures.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Crescent City, Day 2
Lou and Don took a morning walk out to the beach and then downtown. We stopped at the Post Office and picked up our mail from general delivery.
Breakfast of ham, eggs and left over French fries from lunch yesterday.
We've been gone now for about two weeks and this is the first time we have showered in the RV this trip. Lou and Dawn love the extended showers that have been available at our previous camp sites. There are no showers available here at the Del Norte Fairgrounds hence the use of our shower. One reason they haven't liked the RV shower is that when we're hooked up to city water, the water pressure is too low. It's OK when the pump is used but not from the faucet. When we were in Chico at the Escapade, I bought a Cadillac water pressure regulator. I previously tried high flow regulators from Camping World and also got a larger water filter. Neither improved things. Now they are happy campers because the shower has good flow. Of course, that water has to go some where and there is a problem with our RV of a low discharge connector. The drain inlets here are too high as well so out came the macerator again. I worked on the cabling and hoses a bit to simplify its use. May eventually always use it but it's still not simple enough for that, yet.
Lou and Dawn left for the antique and thrift stores while Don tinkered a bit more and then showered.
Don then rode the bike downtown to meet Lou and Dawn at the stores. We also took in the local museum.
Lunch at the Chart Room again. We all shared a fish and chips order and two pieces of Sour cream and raison pie. They also do great pies.
Don rode back to camp and worked on the satellite internet system. There has been a problem getting the laptops to see the internet. The Datastorm system connects but the laptops can't see it. Turns out one of the services died on the system when the power went out yesterday. The inverter that powers it has been on the fritz and what with it dieing occasionally things went awry. Anyway, things are OK now but the inverter still needs to be fixed or replaced.
Breakfast of ham, eggs and left over French fries from lunch yesterday.
We've been gone now for about two weeks and this is the first time we have showered in the RV this trip. Lou and Dawn love the extended showers that have been available at our previous camp sites. There are no showers available here at the Del Norte Fairgrounds hence the use of our shower. One reason they haven't liked the RV shower is that when we're hooked up to city water, the water pressure is too low. It's OK when the pump is used but not from the faucet. When we were in Chico at the Escapade, I bought a Cadillac water pressure regulator. I previously tried high flow regulators from Camping World and also got a larger water filter. Neither improved things. Now they are happy campers because the shower has good flow. Of course, that water has to go some where and there is a problem with our RV of a low discharge connector. The drain inlets here are too high as well so out came the macerator again. I worked on the cabling and hoses a bit to simplify its use. May eventually always use it but it's still not simple enough for that, yet.
Lou and Dawn left for the antique and thrift stores while Don tinkered a bit more and then showered.
Don then rode the bike downtown to meet Lou and Dawn at the stores. We also took in the local museum.
Lunch at the Chart Room again. We all shared a fish and chips order and two pieces of Sour cream and raison pie. They also do great pies.
Don rode back to camp and worked on the satellite internet system. There has been a problem getting the laptops to see the internet. The Datastorm system connects but the laptops can't see it. Turns out one of the services died on the system when the power went out yesterday. The inverter that powers it has been on the fritz and what with it dieing occasionally things went awry. Anyway, things are OK now but the inverter still needs to be fixed or replaced.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Crescent City, California
We moved to the Del Norte County Fairgrounds in Crescent City this morning. It was a little too warm at Mill Creek Campground. The fairgrounds is right downtown so Lou and Dawn should enjoy the shops with ease. We'll be here for two nights, then?
Don caught up on blog posting. We didn't have internet in Del Norte Redwoods due to trees everywhere. There may be only one campsite where the satellite could possibly be seen. We weren't in it. Lunch at the Chart Room overlooking the Crescent City beach and marina. This is the second best place in California to get Fish and Chips. (Pismo Fish and Chips Restaurant, Pismo Beach, Ca). They also do excellent coleslaw. Lou and I had the Fish and chips, Dawn had a fish stew. They're getting ready for the fair here August 3rd so everything is being spruced up. There were horse corps, precision riding groups practicing in the rodeo ground yesterday evening.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Del Norte Redwoods SP, Ca
We went over to watch the dogs compete for a while. Then we packed up and cleaned up the house for the road. We stopped by Loleta to top off our cheese again, then the market for some necessities and water, then gased both vehicles and were on the road.

We stopped in McKinleyville to look at the tallest totem pole in the world. 160 feet.

There was no room at the inn at Prairie Creek so we continued North to Mill Creek Campground in Del Norte Redwoods State Park. They have a shortage of water so no showers and no filling RV's. It's also rather hot here, suprise. Didn't know we came that far inland. We'll probably head on to Creasant City tomorrow. All of 10 miles.
We stopped in McKinleyville to look at the tallest totem pole in the world. 160 feet.
There was no room at the inn at Prairie Creek so we continued North to Mill Creek Campground in Del Norte Redwoods State Park. They have a shortage of water so no showers and no filling RV's. It's also rather hot here, suprise. Didn't know we came that far inland. We'll probably head on to Creasant City tomorrow. All of 10 miles.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Fortuna Antique Tractor and Engine Show
Went downtown to Ferndale's Pancake Breakfast at the Vetrans Hall. Really good pancakes or biscuits and gravy, eggs as you like, ham or sausage. We also got our morning walk going and coming.

On the way back, we looked over the dog show again. They look like they're having fun as they run through the obstacle courses but it's nice not to have any pets and just enjoy other peoples pets for now.
Antique Tractors and Engines

Antique Tractor and Engine Show. Lined up like new equipment.

The "Hit or Miss" engines are used to power a varity of equipment like a crosscut saw, an aluminum can crusher (not sure it's authentic) and a shingle saw.
We then went down to Fortuna to the swap meet and antique tractor and engine show. Not as big as the show in Tulare but there were things here that weren't there so always interesting. I just love the hiss and put of the intermittent engines.
Our next stop was a indoor fleamarket in Eureka and a stop at Costco for blue towels. We then stopped for lunch/dinner at the cookhouse of soup and salad. Whenever we eat here we always say we're full after the soup and salad when we're having a meal so this time, that's all we had. Perfect!
We looked in at the antique shop in Fernbridge and visited the casino in Loleta. This casino is rather nice but not really RV friendly. Parking is tight.
The evening highlight was dumping the holding tanks. Because the dog show blocks the path to the dump and because we will depart tomorrow morning, about 8pm we went over to dump. No crowd. The dump here at the fairground is it's weak link for us. It's another high inlet dump. Since our drain is only 6 inches off the ground, dumps like this are a problem. Here, we would have to have the water flow uphill 2-3 inches minimum. No easy. So, since there was no crowd, I broke out the macerator to dump. Mission accomplished. It really is a help to pump that stuff.
On the way back, we looked over the dog show again. They look like they're having fun as they run through the obstacle courses but it's nice not to have any pets and just enjoy other peoples pets for now.
Antique Tractors and Engines
Antique Tractor and Engine Show. Lined up like new equipment.
The "Hit or Miss" engines are used to power a varity of equipment like a crosscut saw, an aluminum can crusher (not sure it's authentic) and a shingle saw.
We then went down to Fortuna to the swap meet and antique tractor and engine show. Not as big as the show in Tulare but there were things here that weren't there so always interesting. I just love the hiss and put of the intermittent engines.
Our next stop was a indoor fleamarket in Eureka and a stop at Costco for blue towels. We then stopped for lunch/dinner at the cookhouse of soup and salad. Whenever we eat here we always say we're full after the soup and salad when we're having a meal so this time, that's all we had. Perfect!
We looked in at the antique shop in Fernbridge and visited the casino in Loleta. This casino is rather nice but not really RV friendly. Parking is tight.
The evening highlight was dumping the holding tanks. Because the dog show blocks the path to the dump and because we will depart tomorrow morning, about 8pm we went over to dump. No crowd. The dump here at the fairground is it's weak link for us. It's another high inlet dump. Since our drain is only 6 inches off the ground, dumps like this are a problem. Here, we would have to have the water flow uphill 2-3 inches minimum. No easy. So, since there was no crowd, I broke out the macerator to dump. Mission accomplished. It really is a help to pump that stuff.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Humboldt Folklife Festival
We headed up to Blue Lake, a few miles East of Arcata for the Humboldt Folklife Festival. This was a small festival in downtown Blue Lake. It's a tiny town. The old IOOF hall is now the Del Arte School. They have an amphitheater in back which was the main stage. There was another stage on the street out front. The groups we heard were good to excellent. They seem to have a really strong folk music community in the area. There were workshops on playing music, singing and dance. Really a nice festival which we'll probably return to.

The town of Blue Lake. The early crowd.

Later in the day the crowd picked up, in a small town way.

Left above Sari Baker and her trio. Very melodic voice. Her music is described as "eclectic, heartfelt, evocative folk". (Listen to Sari 403k) On the right, the group Old Dog. Their music is described as "not quite bluegrass" (Listen to Old Dog 468k)

Lila Nelson was one of the MC's but did one song with the Group The Acoustic Rubberneckers. She does a radio show for KHUM. She has a cute smile but I didn't get it. The Rubberneckers are described as "Blue Lake's own alt-country band". (Listen to Lila 518k) The Devil's Dream Stringband played mostly instrumentals. Described as "old timey fiddle tunes and ballads". (Listen to The Devil's Dream Stringband 341k)
We visited the Blue Lake Casino. Big but not good. Both Dawn and Lou had their money ripped off by defective slot machines. Not lost but actually taken for nothing. Can't be a coincidence. Indian Casinos, in our experience, don't pay out much compared to Nevada but at least they usually let you think that you might win.
We returned about 7pm and had some of Dawn's wonderful stew which she started in the crockpot before we left.
The town of Blue Lake. The early crowd.
Later in the day the crowd picked up, in a small town way.
Left above Sari Baker and her trio. Very melodic voice. Her music is described as "eclectic, heartfelt, evocative folk". (Listen to Sari 403k) On the right, the group Old Dog. Their music is described as "not quite bluegrass" (Listen to Old Dog 468k)
Lila Nelson was one of the MC's but did one song with the Group The Acoustic Rubberneckers. She does a radio show for KHUM. She has a cute smile but I didn't get it. The Rubberneckers are described as "Blue Lake's own alt-country band". (Listen to Lila 518k) The Devil's Dream Stringband played mostly instrumentals. Described as "old timey fiddle tunes and ballads". (Listen to The Devil's Dream Stringband 341k)
We visited the Blue Lake Casino. Big but not good. Both Dawn and Lou had their money ripped off by defective slot machines. Not lost but actually taken for nothing. Can't be a coincidence. Indian Casinos, in our experience, don't pay out much compared to Nevada but at least they usually let you think that you might win.
We returned about 7pm and had some of Dawn's wonderful stew which she started in the crockpot before we left.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Back In Ferndale, Ca
Now there's nothing wrong with Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park but we were not assured of a campsite since we don't have reservations we have to check in each morning we wanted to assure a nearby place for the weekend. I'll have to comment on the State Park Reservation System later. Dawn wanted to attend a Folklife event in Blue Lake, East of Arcata this weekend and then there is the car/tractor show in Fortuna and a swap meet in Fortuna as well, so we returned. It will give my feet a chance to recover anyway.
We stopped in Trinidad at the Trinidad Bay Eatery and Gallery. We enjoyed a good Berry Cobbler here before and fortunately they still had it and it was as good as before. We each had it for breakfast. In my case, it even won out over a choice of a good Chicken Fried Steak, but i knew i couldn't watch them enjoy the cobbler no matter how good the steak. While we normally share our meals and therefore get to sample a greater variety, since Lou's recovering from a cold, we aren't sharing until full recovery.
When we returned to the fairgrounds, there were more people present but we got our previous spot with no problem.

We went out to Fortuna and stopped by a parking lot with alot of old cars being shown. The Fortuna Redwoods Auto Expo is this weekend. We then went to a laundromat and did our laundry. Fortuna has an old car cruise on the street in front of the laundromat so we got to see some of the cars (hundreds) on parade. We did our grocery shopping and headed back to Ferndale to our camp.
We stopped in Trinidad at the Trinidad Bay Eatery and Gallery. We enjoyed a good Berry Cobbler here before and fortunately they still had it and it was as good as before. We each had it for breakfast. In my case, it even won out over a choice of a good Chicken Fried Steak, but i knew i couldn't watch them enjoy the cobbler no matter how good the steak. While we normally share our meals and therefore get to sample a greater variety, since Lou's recovering from a cold, we aren't sharing until full recovery.
When we returned to the fairgrounds, there were more people present but we got our previous spot with no problem.
We went out to Fortuna and stopped by a parking lot with alot of old cars being shown. The Fortuna Redwoods Auto Expo is this weekend. We then went to a laundromat and did our laundry. Fortuna has an old car cruise on the street in front of the laundromat so we got to see some of the cars (hundreds) on parade. We did our grocery shopping and headed back to Ferndale to our camp.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Prairie Creek, Day Three
Lou's feeling a lot better.
No wind in the morning so Don tried flying the RC plane again. There were a couple of good flights and a lot of the usual crashes. We went down to Orick for breakfast at the Palms Cafe. They make a good breakfast, good pancakes and crisp hash-browns with eggs cooked just right.

After which we went out Davidson Road to hike in Fern Canyon. Some flowers near the beech.

Wonderful Fern Canyon. A salmon berry.

Lou and Dawn in Fern Canyon. Don in Fern Canyon.

We then went out to the beach and Dawn flew her kite. A seal (or sea lion?) watching us on the beach. We stopped back at the Palm's to pickup a couple of Paul Bunyon cinnamon rolls which we reserved at Breakfast. They are the best, and biggest cinnamon rolls to be found.
We've decided to head back to Ferndale for a day or two so Dawn can see the parade in Fortuna and go to the Folklife Event in Blue Lake.
No wind in the morning so Don tried flying the RC plane again. There were a couple of good flights and a lot of the usual crashes. We went down to Orick for breakfast at the Palms Cafe. They make a good breakfast, good pancakes and crisp hash-browns with eggs cooked just right.
After which we went out Davidson Road to hike in Fern Canyon. Some flowers near the beech.
Wonderful Fern Canyon. A salmon berry.
Lou and Dawn in Fern Canyon. Don in Fern Canyon.
We then went out to the beach and Dawn flew her kite. A seal (or sea lion?) watching us on the beach. We stopped back at the Palm's to pickup a couple of Paul Bunyon cinnamon rolls which we reserved at Breakfast. They are the best, and biggest cinnamon rolls to be found.
We've decided to head back to Ferndale for a day or two so Dawn can see the parade in Fortuna and go to the Folklife Event in Blue Lake.
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