It’s been an interesting trip. Snow, Ice, and rain all the way here after leaving California. How pleasant to arrive in Cheyenne, known for its cold weather, to see a sunny sky and 70 degree weather. Wonderful! Unfortunately, it won't last.
We're staying at the AB Camping RV park at 1503 West College Drive, Cheyenne. It's just East of I25 about a mile. Nice park. It hasn't fully opened yet so we're getting a discount
Woke up to a nice white blanket of snow. Of course. Snow everywhere we go recently. Today the high is supposed to be 37 degrees than it is supposed to start warming up after this, I hope.
It's very blizzard like here, especially to a Californian. White stuff everywhere, no sun, blustery wind moves the snow around when it isn't being added.
We went out to breakfast at the Village Inn. Pretty good grub. Nice visit with the relatives.
Went shopping at the local mall to get a little exercise. It was thrilling getting from car to store to store with the high wind and blowing snow. Just why do people want to call this home?
We returned home early in the afternoon to find all DC power dead in the RV. No heater and no refrigerator were the special concerns. The batteries were fine and charging, due to the solar and inverters charger. The disconnect switch clicked when pushed to disconnect but only flickered the power. I suspected a fuse but which one. Out came the manual. Little help. It is a general terms manual without a wiring diagram. It didn't say which fuse corrected this problem. Due to the position of the panel, the weather (blowing snow) and very cold, and how packed together the fuses are; identifying the defective fuse took a while. Finally the culpret was found and everything was back to normal. Fuses must be dying of old age.
All the trucks have hunkered down. The Flying J about a mile West of us is packed to about triple ocupancy. Brother Ernie pulled in there Wednesday morning so he has a nice close in spot. Late arrivals are double parked and or parked up to a 1/2 mile away. Yesterday afternoon we got trapped there for a while while, due to the mis parked trucks, no traffic could move.
We had dinner at nephew Larry's house. When we left about 11:30 pm, the wind had stopped and the sky was clear. That happened sometime after 9pm. With clear sky's and no wind, maybe it will warm up.
All this cold is after the 10 day forecast before we left had said we were in for nice reasonably warm weather 20 degrees warmer than we've been having. Our gray cloud seems to be following us.
15 degrees at 7am this morning. Once the sun rose, the radiant temperature did likewise so the window thermometer said it was the mid 50's but the actual temperature was quite a bit lower. Most of the snow melted off but at 3:30 pm it was 30 degrees. Actually it must be that it is such a dry cold here that makes these low temperatures bearable?
We had breakfast at the Egg and I near the Capitol building. Again a nice visit with the folks.
After making a bunch of copies at Kinko's and then a little shopping with Ernie. We returned to the RV. The Motosat worked today, I assume, because of the warmer temperatures. So I spent a little time posting to the blog.
A bunch of the family at Larry's house. Lou and Keigan's dog Doc relaxing.
Virginia had a huge collection of Owls.
There was a nice photo board at virginia's services. Larry's cat Tigger had more visitors than he could handle. We lounged around a bit in the morning, what was left of it when we awoke, anyway. We prepared our duds. We don't normally dress up when traveling in the RV, nor much any other times. We picked up Ernie and went to St Marks Church for Virginia's service. Nice service. Good to see the family dressed up. We took advantage of that to take some pictures. they all cleanup pretty good.
After the services and reception, we undid the dudss and went over to Larry's for the evening. One of the main activities, other that watching games on TV, and conversations was playing Yahtsee.
We met Ernie and most of the family for breakfast at the Flying J restaurant. It was a buffet and was pretty good. Ernie then departed to Salt Lake City.
Lou, Nephew John, his wife Judy, and I went down to Estes Park. On the way we looked around at a nice park with a lot of bronze statues in Loveland, Colorado. John used to teach art and some of the artists were once his students. We looked arounf the shops in Estes Park. We especially liked the glass blowers shop, one of the best we've seen. We had dinner at Momma Rose's then headed home.
We visited a park in Loveland that had lots of statues. Don's nephew John taught art and some of his former students have statues here.
Some wildlife near Estes Park Colorado.
We really slept in today, rising about 0930. Breakfast was leftovers from last nights dinner. The weather was nice again today even though ocassionally brezzy.
I decided to fix the windshield so the crack stops growing but my glue that was left over from the previous damage repair leaked and wsn't good. We stopped by a local auto parts store for a new repair kit.
Other projects for the day included replacing Lou's electric blanket, getting haircuts and filling the water bottles. We also copied a couple of cookbooks from Virginia's collection for Dawn.
John, Matt and Kegan went fishing and had great sucess so dinner was fish at Larry's house. We went home earlier that usual to do our laundry.
Tomorrow we depart headed South.