Monday: (02/24) I didn’t head down to San Jose last night. Still here in Palo Alto. Lou and Dawn were off early to appointments. I repaired the leaky kitchen faucet. Fortunately it was only loose. I borrowed an Allen wrench and a crescent wrench from Ernie and it was all better and I was on my way by 1000. I stopped at Harbor Fright Tools for some ear plugs. I’ll need them for my hike and if I do some concrete sawing this week. It seems counter productive to be out in nature and turn off your ears but it evidently is needed to get some sleep. I then stopped at Jack In The Box for breakfast. I was settled in San Jose by 1130. I then didn’t get right to work but spent some time online locating and ordering some parts for Ernie’s trailer. My work for the day, since we expect rain and it ws late was to do some stripping by the breakfast nook. I didn’t feel like getting really dusty for just a short period of time. Dusty tomorrow is OK. Looks like we will have a really good rain Wednesday and some Thursday so may not be too much work this week. For dinner I prepared another trail meal test. Dried black bean soup with spam. Very good.
Tuesday: (02/25) Pancakes and sausage for breakfast. I started sanding the house at the peak of the porch. I haven’t done sanding in a couple of months now. It wouldn’t seem to be much but it took a while to set up. Vacuum, hoses extension cords sander, sandpaper. Everything in place and away I went. I stopped for a break which turned in to lunch. I had a license plate bridge toll invoice for going across the Golden Gate bridge last month. They mailed an invoice, I went online to their website and paid it, got a confirmation but there was never a charge to the CC. So I checked and it was still open. I tried to call them yesterday and today and the machine says ” do to a high volume of calls we cant talk to you call back some other time. That obviously wasn’t the real reason which is likely that their phone system works a well as the invoice and payment system. I finally gave up and just processed another payment to them online and got another confirmation. This time I also got the charge confirmation from the bank. So, maybe now, I wont be hauled off to jail. I grilled a pork chop and had some carrots for lunch. After lunch I finished sanding the upper area then caulked it. Then I moved my scaffolds but didn’t do any more work up front because I didn’t want to spend the clean up time for another short work period. I spent the rest of the work day stripping paint by the breakfast nook. I finished up about 1750. For dinner I prepared another trail meal. Some dehydrated potatoes, mixed vegetables, peppers, corn and cheese. Everything rehydrated for 10 minutes with very hot water. Quite good.
Wednesday: (02/26) I enjoyed some pecan granola for breakfast. it was dry outside so I planned on doing some work before the likely rain. Plans change. About 0758 it started to rain. O-boy! No work today! Lou and Dawn will be coming by for appointments, as usual for a Wednesday. So now I’ll tinker until I go to lunch with Lou. The weather forecast as of now says 70-100% chance of rain for the next three days. There are no good holes in the forecast now. There was a hole for Thursday when I checked yesterday and last week there was a hole on Friday. Right now my planned group hike up the mountains to Alice’s Restaurant for lunch on Friday doesn’t look promising. Even so, there are now 32 hikers signed up so I’m not the only optimist. Today I’ll probably do a little shoe shopping. One thing I’ve been hearing and my Mt Diablo hike proved is that I need hiking shoes about 1-1.5 sizes bigger than my normal size. Also, almost all PCT hikers wear trail runner shoes rather than hiking boots. I like my boots. I like the extra ankle support. But they are much heavier than what amount to tennis shoes with good soles. So, i’m going to try a pair of trail runners. I’ve been reading PCT hiker blogs and several mention that they or the people they observe start out with boots or other shoes and end up in trail runners to solve their foot problems. The most recommended is Brooks Cascadia so that’s what I’ll try. Why reinvent the wheel, so to speak.

Thursday: (02/27) The ground was wet but the skies were clear as I walked to get my breakfast burrito at La Victoria. Due to the rain there was no construction on the building I’ve been watching them build. After breakfast the clouds started returning and in the afternoon it rained some. I was working under the porch stripping the porch ceiling. Its about half done now. Lunch was a couple of ham and cheese wraps. I packed up in the evening and returned North. I stopped at the Los Altos Taqueria for dinner, a chili verde plate. After dinner i stopped in at the Mountain View REI store for a presentation of Backpacking Basics. rather interesting but, even though I haven’t back packed yet, i could have done just as good a presentation. It was free.
Due to the heavy rain we’ve had and the fact that tomorrow is forecast to be the same as Wednesday when we had so much rain, I tried to cancel my hike for tomorrow. Of course nothing went right. The website was down. Went out about 0730 and is still down du to a denial of service attack. So I couldn’t cancel it online. I received an email from the site though so something must be working. So I checked the Meetup app on my phone and it was working. I was able to cancel the hike via the app. i figured it would email everyone that was signed up. My co-host said he and his wife received the email but I never received one so I’m not sure everyone did get the email. So tomorrow I’ll go to the site and meet anyone who didn’t get the word. If, by chance, the weather is good, we may do a hike. I did reschedule the hike for next Friday.
Friday: (02/28) Lou fixed bacon, eggs and potatoes for breakfast. I had to cancel my hike this morning but due to problems on the website some hikers may not have been informed so I went out to the trailhead. None showed up so they must have gotten the word or maybe they just didn’t feel like hiking in the rain. I then did some shopping at Redwood Supply an REI picking up a few thinks for my hike. I had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. I then spent my time tinkering with my hiking stuff. Lou and Dawn were busy all day with appointments. We had pizza for dinner. We have decided to head out and will visit Pismo Beach for a few days starting Monday.
Saturday: (03/01) We started our day with the usual grocery shopping trip. I had leftover pizza for breakfast. Lou and Dawn had yogurt. In anticipation of dinner, I started a pork roast with sauerkraut and potatoes in the slow cooker. Lou and Dawn went to some rummage sales.

I helped Ernie replace the shower faucet in his trailer and setup his trailer to use hot water from our tank.

After that we washed his trailer. Lou was busy planting more strawberry plants. Dinner was very good.
Sunday: (03/02) We were busy preparing to leave most of the day. Lots to be done. Chorizo scrambled eggs for breakfast. Lou’s homemade chicken soup four lunch. Dawn seemed to be coming down with a cold so Lou made soup. Dinner at LUU Noodle House.
Tuesday: (02/25) Pancakes and sausage for breakfast. I started sanding the house at the peak of the porch. I haven’t done sanding in a couple of months now. It wouldn’t seem to be much but it took a while to set up. Vacuum, hoses extension cords sander, sandpaper. Everything in place and away I went. I stopped for a break which turned in to lunch. I had a license plate bridge toll invoice for going across the Golden Gate bridge last month. They mailed an invoice, I went online to their website and paid it, got a confirmation but there was never a charge to the CC. So I checked and it was still open. I tried to call them yesterday and today and the machine says ” do to a high volume of calls we cant talk to you call back some other time. That obviously wasn’t the real reason which is likely that their phone system works a well as the invoice and payment system. I finally gave up and just processed another payment to them online and got another confirmation. This time I also got the charge confirmation from the bank. So, maybe now, I wont be hauled off to jail. I grilled a pork chop and had some carrots for lunch. After lunch I finished sanding the upper area then caulked it. Then I moved my scaffolds but didn’t do any more work up front because I didn’t want to spend the clean up time for another short work period. I spent the rest of the work day stripping paint by the breakfast nook. I finished up about 1750. For dinner I prepared another trail meal. Some dehydrated potatoes, mixed vegetables, peppers, corn and cheese. Everything rehydrated for 10 minutes with very hot water. Quite good.
Wednesday: (02/26) I enjoyed some pecan granola for breakfast. it was dry outside so I planned on doing some work before the likely rain. Plans change. About 0758 it started to rain. O-boy! No work today! Lou and Dawn will be coming by for appointments, as usual for a Wednesday. So now I’ll tinker until I go to lunch with Lou. The weather forecast as of now says 70-100% chance of rain for the next three days. There are no good holes in the forecast now. There was a hole for Thursday when I checked yesterday and last week there was a hole on Friday. Right now my planned group hike up the mountains to Alice’s Restaurant for lunch on Friday doesn’t look promising. Even so, there are now 32 hikers signed up so I’m not the only optimist. Today I’ll probably do a little shoe shopping. One thing I’ve been hearing and my Mt Diablo hike proved is that I need hiking shoes about 1-1.5 sizes bigger than my normal size. Also, almost all PCT hikers wear trail runner shoes rather than hiking boots. I like my boots. I like the extra ankle support. But they are much heavier than what amount to tennis shoes with good soles. So, i’m going to try a pair of trail runners. I’ve been reading PCT hiker blogs and several mention that they or the people they observe start out with boots or other shoes and end up in trail runners to solve their foot problems. The most recommended is Brooks Cascadia so that’s what I’ll try. Why reinvent the wheel, so to speak.
Thursday: (02/27) The ground was wet but the skies were clear as I walked to get my breakfast burrito at La Victoria. Due to the rain there was no construction on the building I’ve been watching them build. After breakfast the clouds started returning and in the afternoon it rained some. I was working under the porch stripping the porch ceiling. Its about half done now. Lunch was a couple of ham and cheese wraps. I packed up in the evening and returned North. I stopped at the Los Altos Taqueria for dinner, a chili verde plate. After dinner i stopped in at the Mountain View REI store for a presentation of Backpacking Basics. rather interesting but, even though I haven’t back packed yet, i could have done just as good a presentation. It was free.
Due to the heavy rain we’ve had and the fact that tomorrow is forecast to be the same as Wednesday when we had so much rain, I tried to cancel my hike for tomorrow. Of course nothing went right. The website was down. Went out about 0730 and is still down du to a denial of service attack. So I couldn’t cancel it online. I received an email from the site though so something must be working. So I checked the Meetup app on my phone and it was working. I was able to cancel the hike via the app. i figured it would email everyone that was signed up. My co-host said he and his wife received the email but I never received one so I’m not sure everyone did get the email. So tomorrow I’ll go to the site and meet anyone who didn’t get the word. If, by chance, the weather is good, we may do a hike. I did reschedule the hike for next Friday.
Friday: (02/28) Lou fixed bacon, eggs and potatoes for breakfast. I had to cancel my hike this morning but due to problems on the website some hikers may not have been informed so I went out to the trailhead. None showed up so they must have gotten the word or maybe they just didn’t feel like hiking in the rain. I then did some shopping at Redwood Supply an REI picking up a few thinks for my hike. I had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. I then spent my time tinkering with my hiking stuff. Lou and Dawn were busy all day with appointments. We had pizza for dinner. We have decided to head out and will visit Pismo Beach for a few days starting Monday.
Saturday: (03/01) We started our day with the usual grocery shopping trip. I had leftover pizza for breakfast. Lou and Dawn had yogurt. In anticipation of dinner, I started a pork roast with sauerkraut and potatoes in the slow cooker. Lou and Dawn went to some rummage sales.
I helped Ernie replace the shower faucet in his trailer and setup his trailer to use hot water from our tank.
After that we washed his trailer. Lou was busy planting more strawberry plants. Dinner was very good.
Sunday: (03/02) We were busy preparing to leave most of the day. Lots to be done. Chorizo scrambled eggs for breakfast. Lou’s homemade chicken soup four lunch. Dawn seemed to be coming down with a cold so Lou made soup. Dinner at LUU Noodle House.