Friday, March 1, 2024

March 2024

Friday: (03/01) A waffle and berries for breakfast. I reinstalled the electric actuator in one of our easy chairs that Lou had fixed. Then I pulled the weeds out of the foam rain gutter protectors on our back room. I’ll probably need to replace the foam because it is saturated with enough dirt to grow things now. I had leftover macaroni and cheese with a slice of ham for lunch.  I then relaxed until I received a call about 1400 that the motorhome was ready for pickup. Lou and Dawn took me down then they went about their way thrifting toward home. I emptied our bank account to pay the bill. The MH now had new tires, new slide toppers, a repaired roof seam, a repair of the death wobble problem, and oil, lube and fluid changes. I drove it home and parked it but did not set it up since we’ll take it out on a long test drive tomorrow. Leftover chicken and rice for dinner. 

Saturday: (03/02) Freezer tiny breakfast burritos with salsa for breakfast. We prepared to take the motorhome out for a long test drive to Gilroy today. On the way I dropped Lou and Dawn off at the Savers Thrift store in Santa Clara and then went to the Sunnyvale Costco store to get gas in the motorhome. It was thirsty and took over 55 gallons. Then we took Highway 280 to Highway 87 to Highway 85 to Highway 101 and on to Gilroy. There were some nice bumps and dips along the way and the motorhome handled them well and had no death wobble any more. Nice. Lunch at the Longhouse restaurant in Gilroy. The return trip was just as nice. Looks like it is ready for an outing soon. 

Sunday: (03/03) Leftover pancakes with peanut butter and jam for breakfast. Lou and I emptied the stuff from the Hyundai that was removed from the motorhome when it went into the shop. About half of it was stored in the house and the other half returned to the motorhome. With that done, I took a shower and then said my goodbyes. I left at 1115, much earlier than I expected I would. I stopped in Gilroy at the Super Taqueria for lunch. I took Highway 152 over to Los Banos and stopped at the Walmart for a walk. I found a super large beach towel to use for a short curtain at the front of the van which is easier to put up and take down than the shipping blanket. I also took a nap. Then I continued down to the Love’s truck Stop in Visalia for a short walk. I arrived in Bakersfield a little after 1800 and got gas at the cheapest station in town before going to dinner at the Rice Bowl. Half a Super Burrito from Super Taqueria in Gilroy for lunch. Dinner at the Rice Bowl restaurant in Bakersfield. I had my favorite Shrimp dinner. After dinner I went over to the Cracker Barrel to park for the night.

Monday: (03/04) Up at 0630. I moved from the Cracker Barrel parking to the Truxton Avenue Park. I enjoyed my breakfast of granola and a banana. Then I decided to fix my clogged kitchen sink drain. It used a trapless drain with a collapsing tube to close off the drain. I figured it was stuck together. To more easily get to it I needed to remove the outside table and the panel behind it that covers the back of the sink cabinet. Then I disassembled the drain. I found the drain heavily clogged with soap residue. I wash dishes after each meal and use lots of soap, evidently too much. I pulled a vinegar soaked paper towel through the tube a couple of times and it was clear. I also cleaned the drain pipe fitting and pipe of excess soap buildup. Then I reassembled it and it works fine now. Now I need to possibly change to Dr Bronner’s soap rather than ivory soap and see if that helps. Disassembling the table to gain access, that might be a regular need, was too difficult. I decided to modify how the table bracket is attached using some tee nuts and bolts. I went by Lowe’s to get some Tee nuts but that didn’t have any so I went to an ACE Hardware store and got them. I made the modifications in their parking lot. Good thing because I found I didn’t have drill bits or a hammer. I minimized my tool kit too much. I bought a drill bit and used a wrench for a hammer. Modifications done and now I only need to remove 4 easily accessible screws to remove the panel with the table attached. I stopped by a Winco market for a few things then I went to what was the old Milt’s restaurant for breakfast. It is now the Old River Grill. I had hoped they still had deep pit BBQ breakfasts but not so. I did enjoy some Scottish eggs. They are eggs wrapped in a sausage cover and rolled in breadcrumbs then deep fried. Really quite delicious and different. After breakfast I headed out of town on Highway 178 through Kern Canyon, InyoKern, and Ridgecrest to Trona Pinnacles and stopped at 1630 for the night. Hopefully it doesn’t rain or I’ll be here for a while. It’s five miles in on a road that will not be passable if it rains at all. The wind is blowing making the outside unpleasant. Hopefully it is gone tomorrow. Leftover chow mein for dinner.

Tuesday: (03/05) A waffle and berries for breakfast. I took a walk around and up onto the pinnacles next to camp. Treacherous walking on loose sharp rocks but some good views. I left my camp and drove to the other side of an adjacent bunch of pinnacles. I hiked up and around them passing a small mine shaft. Then i returned back to the highway and up into Trona. Istopped there and topped off my gas tank. I also looked over all the information signs at a rest stop there. Interesting history of borax mining and other chemicals obtained from the Searle’s Lake bottom. I drove on up into Panamint Valley stopping to look around the old Ballarat ghost town. Then on up highway 178 to highway 190 near Panamint Springs and then on into Death Valley. I stopped for a look around the Harmony Borax Works. Finally I went into Furnace Creek to the Visitor Center. Along the way I stopped for a couple of pork football dim sum pieces and some salad.  It was after 1530 so I wasn't going to try to launch my kayak in Lake Manley today but planned to camp in Furnace Creek at Sunset CG. I spoke with a ranger asking about dispersed camping on Westside road and he said the road was closed about a mile in where it met Wingate Wash where there were lots of places to camp. But, there was also some sand in tht first mile that might be a problem. Good info. Then I ask about kayaking at lLake Manley. He said they closed the lake to all watercraft yesterday. Weeks trying to get here and I end up one day late. I got a campsite at Sunset and when I threw away my trash I found the waste basket full of water. The sink drain pipe had fallen apart, possibly due to driving on all these bumpy roads. I tried to put it back together but could not get it to be secure so I'll need to visit a hardware store again and reconfigure the drain pipe. I also had to work a long time trying to dry out everything that also got wet in a storage basket there as well. A bag of large ziplock bags, a table cloth in a bag, the uninstalled bug screen for the sliding door, and other items. After that I walked over to the store for a look but got nothing. Back home I had my leftover half of a burrito for dinner with some salad. In the evening I watched some downloaded Youtube videos. While I have cell signal for voice, there is no data on either T Mobile or Verizon. 

Wednesday:(03/06) Granola and a banana for breakfast. I left camp around 0630 and headed down to Badwater Basin. I walked out to the water to take some photos. They did have a sign posted prohibiting boats. I continued on South  on the road. I passed a spot where the lake water came right up to the road. And there was a kayaker there floating his boat. Sometimes being a law abiding citizen does get in the way of fun. In Shoshone I stopped at the museum. It was much more interesting and bigger than I expected. I looked at a big map sign in front of the museum and determined the best road to use to get to Pahrump. I took Highway 127 North to Highway 190 and then took State Line Road into Pahrump. It was not the best route. I should have taken Highway 372. In Pahrump I stopped at a Home depot, only because it appears to be the only hardware store that google maps is aware of. I had to make three trips into the store to see what they had and what might work to fix my leaky sink drain pipe. In the end I was successful. Then I finally, about 1440, got to eat my lunch, a chicken breast and some salad. I decided to stay in Pahrump for the night because it was so late. There is BLM land a mile out of town. I had some refried beans with cheese and corn chips for dinner. 

Thursday: (03/07) Up at 0600. I had some breakfast burrito things from the refrigerator with salsa on top. Then I drove into town to Smiths market and got some broccoli for later. I hung around in their parking lot working on the computer. A little after noon I drove across the street to the China Wok Buffet for lunch. Ok food but not a destination. From there I drove West on Highway 372 unto Shosone again then through Tecopa and out to Highway 127 down to Baker. I filled the gas tank again then headed out to ZZYZX to see what it was like. It is located a few miles West on I15. Not much to see but it is now checked off the list. It was a religious health Resort created by a 1940’s radio evangelist and health nut. He filed a mining claim and then built the resort. He was finally evicted in 1974 and it is now the California State University Desert Studies Outpost. There is a walking trail around a lake there with some good views of the dry lake as well. I returned back to Baker and into the Mojave Preserve. I had hoped to get the same spot I camped at last year but it was filled as was the other camp spot nearby so I headed further into the preserve. I eventually found a little dirt road headed off into the desert and found a camp spot all by myself. With rain threatening I need to hope the wash I drove across near my camp doesn’t become a river. I’m about a half mile off the paved road. So far this evening there has only been a few light sprinkles and some lightning. I prepared some potato wedges with broccoli and wieners for dinner. Fortunately I had just enough cell signal to be able to watch the State Of The Union address by President Biden.

Friday: (03/08) A sausage, egg and cheese croissant for breakfast. I heated up some water and took an outside shower. It was about 47 degrees outside but really not at all bad. I also took a short walk around the area near my campsite. No flowers to be seen anywhere. I then worked on the computer the rest of the morning. Potato wedges with a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. About 1230 I left camp and drove down to Kelso and looked around the closed depot. Then I drove up Cima Road to Cedar Canyon Road then connected with Black Canyon Road to the Hole In The Wall area. I took the Rings Trail through Hole In The Wall then hiked around Barker Mountain about a 5.5 mile loop hike through the desert. I was considering camping in the campground there but decided I much prefer dispersed camping so I drove about 8 miles down the road to a little dirt road and found a spot for the night. Potato soup with steamed broccoli and a chicken breast for dinner. Tomorrow, if all goes well, I’ll take a tour at Mitchell Caverns then on to Joshua tree NP.

Saturday: (03/09) Granola and a banana for breakfast. After breakfast I drove down to Mitchell Caverns. The gate was locked going up to the caves. The posted time is when both the park and Visitor Center are open. You can camp near the Visitor Center but you are locked inside overnight. It turns out there are only two tours per day and they are both full. So, I’ll have to try again some other time. I have seen them before. I then drove West on I40 having to pass to closed roads that should go to Amboy. At Ludlow you can get on the old Route 66 heading back to Amboy. It’s about a 52 mile extra distance due to the closures. Just before Amboy I came across the Amboy Crater national Monument. I hiked out to and around the crater. The on to Amboy and onto Amby Road to get to Twentynine Palms. I got gas there then continued west to Joshua Tree, I stopped at the Crossroads Cafe and had a New York Ruben on sourdough bread with curry lentil soup. All good. The town was busy with all sorts of craft vendors showing their crafts. I looked around some. Since it was 1500 I decided to just head out to a nearby BLM area about 7 miles NE of town for the night. Some corn chips with guacamole and some cottage cheese for dinner. 

Sunday: (03/10) Breakfast was some granola and a banana. I got up early to get a picture of “The End Of The World” sign in Wonder Valley. Then I drove into Joshua Tree NP from Twentynine Palms. I stopped for a photo of Skull Rock. Then I went to Wall Street Mill and hiked out to the mill and the Stone House. Then I took a path less traveled and hiked up over the rock hill until I came to a wash. I followed the wash through the mountain to the other side about a mile and a half. Then I return back to my start. After that I hiked out to Barker Dam. Then a final walk out and around Hidden Valley. I had to park down the road about ½ a mile due to the trailhead parking area overflowing. For my return I simply climbed over the valley wall near where I parked and shortened my return with some added effort and pathfinding. About 7.4 miles total today. Then I returned down to Joshua Tree and stopped at a laundromat to do my laundry. Ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. Salad with a couple of sausages for dinner. About bed time I noticed a puddle of water on the floor by the sink. I whipped it up but could not find the source but it seemed like water from the sink. A while later I looked down again and the puddle had gone all the way across the floor but still no source was obvious there was no water going to where the puddle started. I removed stuff from under the sink but saw no evidence of a leak and the drain pipes were dry. Finally, since the water that hasn’t drained from the sink due to a problem with my trapless pee trap problem had gone down some i figured the water had to be coming from there somehow. I finally felt at the bottom of the Pee Trap and felt a little water. Problem found. Evidently the water follows under the 2x2 cabinet structure staying hidden under them on two sides. Weird. So I got my wet/dry vacuum out and sucked the water from the drain line. When I loosened the bottom fitting under  the trap I heard a rush of water from the trap into the holding tank. I think I may have found my drain problem as well as the leak. I need to add a vent to the drain line. I think the tank develops a vacuum and holds the trap bladder closed. The leak was probably a bad washer. For the time being, I capped the holding tank pipe and just ran the sink drain into a wastebasket. When I get to Indio Tuesday, I’ll try to get materials to fix it  again.

Monday: (03/11) I went to the Crossroads Cafe in Joshua Tree for breakfast. I got corned beef hash with eggs. I then drove up into the park and stopped at the Boy Scout Trail trailhead. I hiked out to the Willow Hole Trail and back for a 7.1 mile out and back hike. I then drove down to what I think is part of the Hemingway area. It is a popular rock climbing area and also has a wonderful Joshua Tree Forest. I had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch there. Then I hiked around the base of the rocks and through the forest for about a 3.5 mile hike. About 10.5 miles hiked today. Then I drove on through the park to the BLM area just outside the park near I40. Chili with ramen noodles for dinner. 

Tuesday: (03/12) A waffle with berries for breakfast. I did some housekeeping to start. I emptied the composting toilet solids bin. I hope to find a good dumpster soon. I also dumped my sink water from the wastebasket. Then I was off to Indio. I went to Winco and got a few things. Then I went next door and worked on the sink drain repair. I needed to install a vent for the drain. I removed the outside table to get better access. I took some measurements and headed inside. I got a few things to assemble the vent. I just cut 1’ out of the 1” drain and installed a tee fitting with a threaded ¾” side port. I installed an ell barbed fitting and hooked a tube to it which was routed up to the top of the sink then out through the drain pipe hole. I had to return to get some washers and another drain pipe tailstock. In the end it was installed and didn’t leak. I am still worried about the connection to the sink because it is a slip fitting with only a ¼ inch grip. We will see. After that I spray washed the van then visited a few other markets looking for my favorite items to restock the van for my stay in the boonies. Before leaving town at 1600 I stopped for a late lunch at the Wok Around. Quite nice and generous food. I still have a second meal for later. Then I headed off toward Anza Borrego SP. I stopped for the night at the Pegleg area. In Indio the wind picked up making keeping stuff from blowing away while I was working on the van difficult. It got worse as time passed and the air filled with dust, almost like a brown fog. The air got a little better as I headed South. Here at Pegleg, the wind gusts are extremely strong but the sir is still pretty good. I just had some yogurt and a few corn chips and guacamole for dinner. 

Wednesday: (03/13) A waffle and berries for breakfast. I left camp and drove a little ways on Henderson Valley Road from camp and stopped when I saw some flowers. I found about 12 different types of flowers including a lily but it was so windy the pictures didn’t come out very good. I then drove further on the road to where most people were stopping with lots of flowers but only about 6 types there. Then I drove downtown and parked by the city park. I worked on the computer and napped. Leftover Chinese food for lunch. In the afternoon I returned to Henderson Valley Road and took a long walk through the abundant flowers taking better photos since the wind had died down. I took a chair with me and sat in the shade of a bush and watched the flowers. Then I returned to Pegleg for the night. A Green Giant garlic  mixed vegetables with potatoes with sausage for dinner. 

Thursday: (03/14) A banana and a sausage egg and cheese croissant for breakfast. I took another walk amongst the flowers taking more photos. No breeze today but also no sun. I walked a couple of spots along Henderson Canyon Road and also a field at the end of Di Giorgio Road where it enters Coyote Canyon. I also looked at a few of the steel sculptures of a dragon, elephants, mountain goats, etc. Then I drove up to Julian. I had a nice corned beef hash omelet for lunch and got a slice of pie from the Julian Cafe. I also got a second slice of pie at Mom’s Bakery. Both for later. I drove down the mountain to Blair Valley. I relaxed there, uploaded my recent photos and published a post to Facebook. I had a slice of apple pie in celebration of Pi Day for an afternoon treat. I had a chicken breast with a salad for dinner. It sprinkled some rain when I was looking around Di Giorgio Road. Then it snowed when I was about to leave Julian. The sun finally came out about 1730 in the late afternoon. 

Friday: (03/15) A banana for breakfast. I worked inside on the computer all day. It started raining about 0430 and sprinkled and rained most of the day. About sunset we had a heavy rain and a little hail. Now the dirt road here is quite muddy. I may have to remain here for a while. 

Leftover salad with a weiner for lunch. A bowl of broccoli cheese soup with a potato, egg and cheese burrito and a weiner for dinner. I ran the van engine a couple of times to make up for the lack of sunlight today.

Saturday: (03/16) A freezer sausage egg and cheese croissant for breakfast.I finally got a good look around at my neighbors. The half dozen or so SUV’s that sped by yesterday landed next door in their tents. I drove out to the homesteader’s home remains. I hiked one mile up to the top of the mountain and back. Then I continued out to the morteros site and hiked around there. Then I tried to continue out to the pictograph site but had to abort when I came to a deep puddle the went side to side on the road right by a sign that said 4x4 only. I was already concerned just getting as far as I did on the muddy and deep sandy section I had driven. It was also made worse by the fact there was some kind of runners marathon race on that same road. I made my way back and when I passed those SUV tent campers they were busy launching their missiles in the meadow. I got back out to the pavement on the S2 road and headed South. I saw a bunch of cars at a pullout and thought there must be a good trail there. I was right. I hiked up the trail which went up a wash. I caught up to the hikers which were a Meetup hiking group (Temecula Outdoor Adventures). I hiked with them out to the two mile point where they stopped at a morteros site. I continued up the wash another ¾ of a mile. This hike up the wash had lots of rock scrambling over dry falls. I decided to turn around when the wash became nothing but rock scrambling. I returned back to the van and had a nice lunch of broccoli soup and a weiner with salsa. After a little relaxing I continued South. I stopped at a possible new dispersed campsite on a cliff overlooking the badlands there. It started to rain again and I really wanted a shower. I was looking for someplace with a little more privacy where I could use the outdoor shower. I continued South to I8 and headed East to El Centro and got some gas. Gas was $5.99 at the station at Ocotillo Wells where I met I8. I checked Gasbuddy and found gas at $4.35 at a station there so off I went. Since I was headed to Yuma I didn’t fill the tank because gas is only $3.19 there, only $1.80 less than Ocotillo Wells.The wind was gusting with some rain. I ended up stopping for the night off Sidewinder Road near pilot Knob. I settled in and took my shower but it had to be inside.No big deal, just more work. I had a slice of apple pie from Julian Cafe for my dinner with a chicken breast chaser. 

Sunday: (03/17) The morning brought no wind and clear skies. I had a banana for breakfast. I was off to a slow start this morning. I did the usual Sunday morning pill box loading. I tinkered around and finally headed toward Yuma at 0900. I stopped a a Food City marked but only came away with some flan. I then got gas at the nice price of $3.17 per gallon. Then a stop at a Walmart Neighborhood market for more food. Next, a stop at Lowe’s for a direct connect 90 degree tail stock for the sink that should make it more secure. And then a stop at an ATM for more cash. Then it was almost time for lunch but first a stop at a petco for some wood chips for the toilet. I then stopped at Eat Asian Buffet for lunch. Always good. After that I headed out to Senator Wash and Squaw Lake.On the way in a small car like my Hyundai had just hit and killed a donkey. The car ahead of me stopped to see what help was needed so I continued on. It totaled the car. I filled my water, drained my holding tank and disposed of my trash at the LTVA facilities. I had to pull out to find a better, less conspicuous spot to empty the compost bin of the toilet then I returned to put that bag of goodies in the trash. Finally I headed down to Squaw Lake for the night. I prepared a pork chop with corn on the cob and steamed broccoli for dinner. 

Monday: (03/18) I had a sausage, egg, and cheese croissant for breakfast. Then I got the Tuctek kayak out and assembled it for a paddle. I was on the water by 0830. I got off to a wobbly start but quickly got the hang of it. I probably should have re-watched the assembly video because it took longer to assemble it this time than when I received it. It could have been the cold morning. I've never floated it before. I've only sailed on my backyard lawn before. It eventually went together with a lot of pressure needed to close the latches. When I disassembled it, they were easily movable. I paddled around the outside of the lake and among the reeds with all the old coots, and a few ducks. Lots of side channels to explore. A nice morning with clear skies and no wind. I finished about 1030 then disassembled the kayak and wiped it dry before stowing it away. I was on the road about 1100. I drove out to Highway 95 and up through Quartzsite and on to Parker. I stopped at a Safeway Market there for a walk and had lunch in the van. I continued on to Lake Havasu and got gas there. I continued up to I40 to Needles and stopped to cash in my winning lotto ticket which was enough to buy  a couple more tickets. Then I headed up to Laughlin via Boulder City. I spent the night at the Riverside Casino. I had dinner at the Casa Sereno Mexican restaurant. I like their chili rellenos and now I also like their tamales and empanadas. 

Tuesday: (03/19) A banana for breakfast. I drove out to Highway 95 and up to Las Vegas. I stopped at the Sunset Casino In Las Vegas for a stretch. Then on to Jerry’s Casino where I thought I might have brunch but decided on a piece of their great cheesecake instead. I saved the desert for later and had a sausage, egg, and cheese croissant for brunch from the freeze for brunch. Then I got on Highway 15 and stopped in Mesquite at the Eureka Casino for a stretch. I continued through the Arizona Strip where I stopped at a TA truck stop for gas. Gas is much cheaper in Arizona than in Nevada or Utah. I exited I15 heading toward Hurricane on Highway 9. I drove by the Sand Hollow State Park that is always mentioned in MORR Youtube videos. I also drove by the MORR yard. I didn’t stop because I’m sure they would want me to buy some Merch and I don’t wear baseball hats, hoodies or T-shirts and don’t collect decals so nothing I would want. It’s good just to put  a reality to the places. I continued up to Zion National Park. I drove through the park then stopped at the visitor center. On the way up here I went online and entered the permit lottery for a hike up to Angels Landing. I got the sad results for tomorrow's hike that I did not win a permit. Still should have six more tries so I’ll have to hang around and do other hikes. I backtracked about 20 miles toward Hurricane to a BLM area to spend the night dispersed camped. I had a salad and a pork chop for dinner. .

Wednesday: (03/20) I awoke at 0415 and drove back into Zion NP to an empty parking lot that reportedly is filled by 0700. I took a nap then had breakfast, a frozen sausage egg and cheese croissant, of course. I finally left the van about 0930. The lot still wasn’t full. I caught the bus to stop 4 and hike the Sand Bench Trail then on to Emerald Pools and down to bus stop 6 and back to the van. About 7.5 miles 1600’ gain with lots of sand.. I was passed by a horse ride group three times and I actually passed them once. Unfortunately the Emerald pools were not emerald colored. I took a nice sponge bath and gpt a change of clothes after the hike before leaving Zion. I decided to drive down to Hurricane for gas and looked for a hard cider. I just realized that to get any real alcohol in Utah you need to visit a State liquor store. So no luck. But actually a good thing since I would ache after having drank it and I wouldn't want to ache on the Angels Landing Hike, which I won a lottery permit for tomorrow between 9-noon. It was so cold this morning that I’m glad I changed my application for later. Originally I wanted to start before 0900. It still feels quite cold then, only in the 50’s. I returned to a BLM spot near where I was last night on Kolob Terrace Road. I prepared broccoli and a baked potato with some wieners for dinner. Then I prepared my day pack for the hike with extra water and some warmer clothes as backup if the weather is bad. 

Thursday: (03/21) A banana and a breakfast sandwich for breakfast. I drove into Zion about 0600. I took a nap there. About 0800 I got up and tinkered until about 0930 when I took a bus to stop 6 for my hike up to Angels Landing. By then it was warm enough for me to wear my shorts but I did wear a beanie instead of my usual driving cap, which blows off my head too easily. The hike up was nice and all went well. Great views! Back down I took the bus back to the Visitor Center and had lunch. I scrambled some eggs and put chili over them with some cheese and guacamole on top. It is nice to just turn on the air conditioner and cool the van down. The solar handles almost all the current needs. Just some yogurt for dinner.

Friday: (03/22) Granola and a banana for breakfast. I actually got up much later today. I left my campsite by 0800 and drove up the mountain on Kolab Terrace Road, I noticed several trailheads and more BLM camping areas on the way up. I wasn’t able to go all the way up to Lava Point because the road was closed due to snow about seven miles before the end. Just before the closure I had to wait for a herd of about 200 elk to cross the road. When they cleared, I continued on and at the closure they were crossing the hill above. When a tracked ATV came out from behind the closure they said that the elk herd had just crossed the road as they were coming out. When I came back down I stopped at the Wildcat Canyon Trailhead. I hiked out the trail toward Lava Point which was 4.6 miles out. I only made it out 2.7 miles. About half the trail was through snow. I stopped when it got too much and too deep. It was frozen but it was a nice day and the return hike would be on softer snow. I made it back  and had a sloppy joe sandwich and some corn chips and salsa for lunch. I then returned down the hill and went to town. I did the laundry at a laundromat. I wasn’t happy that they only had front loading washers and my worry was justified. The washer did not spin the clothes dry. They did not have a sink and I was alone in the place so a rung all the clothes out on the floor. I only had a small load but had to sepArate the load into two dryers with the heavy and wetter clothes like pants in one and everything else in the other. Even then none of them were dried in the 30 minute run time so I had to run them all again together and they were finally dry. I did find a broom and swept the water out the front door. It had finally dried by the time I left. I stopped at Lupitas Mexican restaurant for a chili relleno dinner and got gas again before heading back to my BLM home for the previous two nights on Kolob Terrace Road. 

Saturday: (03/23) Waffles and berries for breakfast. I worked at the computer all day in the RV. It was overcast outside but the real reason is I needed to get some work done on my taxes. A salad and a chicken breast for lunch. Some lasagna soup from Lin’s market in Hurricane for dinner. Every now and again there are some heavy wind gusts shaking the van. The store clerk at the market yesterday mentioned that the reason Hurricane is the name of the city is that when the Mormons arrived they said they would leave when the winds die down. They haven’t yet. 

Sunday: (03/24) A ham and cheese English muffin from the freezer for breakfast.I drove East through Zion’s tunnel and continued down to Kanab, Ut. Didn’t do anything outside. There were a few light showers. Lots of snow on the hills once outside the Zion Tunnel. While stopped in Kanab I did my first draft of my tax returns.  Leftover salad and pie for lunch. I decided to start toward home. I need to be back by Saturday evening because I’m out of pills. Lou could have overnighted them to me somewhere but I’m also having a problem with a tooth so it is probably best to get home sooner. I took 89 and then 389 back to Hurricane then headed out to I15 and through the Virgin River Gorge and I stopped South of Mesquite on some BLM land outside the North entrance to Valley Of Fire. On the way to Hurricane and just before entering the Virgin River Gorge I had snow. Not much but it was still white. While back in Hurricane I stopped by Lin’s Market and got more lasagna soup. It was really good. I had some for dinner and some steamed broccoli. 

Monday: (03/25) Granola and a banana for breakfast. I worked on the taxes comparing this years to last years. There were two items that differed. On was due to a change by IRS and now untaxed. The other was because i bought the van in 2022 and the sales tax was used rather than the standard deduction. I also confirmed that we truly never had to visit our rental last year. I think it is ready to file now. I Had some broccoli cheese soup for an early lunch at 1000.Then I headed into Valley Of Fire State Park. I did some rock scrambling a couple of places and hiked the 7 wonders trail with some excursions from the actual trail. I hiked through a slot past a sign that said you were off the trail. That slot connected the White Cap Trail and the Seven Wonders Trails.  A ham and cheese sandwich later for a late lunch at noon. I left the park about 1430 and entered the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. I found a nice dirt road with nobody nearby and took an al fresco shower. Of course, after that I found a wonder Vista Point with a trail to hike for and even better view from the top of a nearby hill. Dinner at Jerry’s Casini Cafe. i had some pork chops with a baked potato. From Jerry's, i headed toward Pahrump at 1945. I got gas then drove out to a BLM spot at a BLM shooting Range. The spot was nice and quiet and close to Death Valley for tomorrow.

Tuesday: (03/26) A ham, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich from the freezer. I headed in to Death Valley. I turned off the highway and went to Dante’s Point to get the great view. A short walk down a trail to a better view South. I did not do the trail up a hill for a better view to the North. I came down and headed North going to the upper end of the valley.I stopped at the Visitor Center and got a permit to camp tonight on Greenwater Valley Road. I stopped and took the Titus Canyon Road to the Fall Canyon Trailhead. I hiked the trail up the wash 3.5 miles to a dry fall. It was a grueling hike out but a lot easier coming back down. I was work out.I had a trail snack at the far end of the hike. I then continued up the Valley to Ubehebe Crater. I looked but did not hike. Coming back down I stopped to take some pictures of the flowers. There were some flowers in that area. I haven’t seen any elsewhere. I came back to Furnace Creek and got 5 gallons of gas at 675/gallon. Just some insurance. I then drove up to Dante Point Road and went out to a campsite on the Greenwater Valley Road. I had my leftover pork chops bones and baked potato for my dinner. 

Wednesday: (03/27)  Granola and a banana for breakfast. I drove back into Furnace Creek the North to the road to beatty. I got gas there and call Lou. She threw a wrench in my decision this morning to go North rather than South. She mentions a storm is coming in. It turns out it peaks on Friday and Saturday, the days I might cross over on Highway 80. So, I continued North only a little on Highway 95 then took Nevada 266 toward Big Pine. I stopped along the way for a pre-lunch of lasagna soup in Beatty, Then at the Lida Summit on Highway 266 for a ham and cheese sandwich. I also stopped just before the Ancient BristleCone Pine turn to get a picture of me using my snowshoes. I haven’t had a chance yet and there were a few patches of snow. They worked well. It turns out just a very short distance further was the road up to the Ancient Bristlecone Pines. I drove up to the Grandview campground and just beyond it the snow was enough to make me back up. I checked the campground but there were only two spots that I could have gotten into due to snow and my and they were occupied. I returned down the hill a ways and found a nice spot to disperse camp for the night. I stopped early at 1530. I took some pictures of the snowy Sierra mountains across the Owens Valley. For dinner I had corn on the cob and a chicken breast. 

Thursday: (03/28) A baked potato and a pork chop for breakfast. I drove down the mountain to a flat spot overlooking Big Pine. I gave Lou a call to let her know I survived the night. The mountains were covered in clouds that looked like they were snowing on the mountains. I headed South on Highway 395 and stopped in Fort Independence for gas. I stopped at Fossil Falls and took a short hike around the lava field and lava gorge and dry fall. I had a hotdog sandwich before leaving. Back on the road I continued down to Highway 14 then turned on Highway 178 toward bakersfield. I filled the gas tank then stopped by Cracker Barrel to get some candy that Lou wanted. After that I had dinner at the Chinese Buffet across the street. After dinner I headed out Highway 58 and up and over the mountains westbound to California Valley and the Carrizo Plains National Monument. I turned onto 7 mile road then onto Leghorn road, a dirt road into the monument. I drove about 4 miles to the Wallace Creek Trailhead and parked for the night.

Friday: (03/29) Sausage, egg, and cheese croissant for breakfast. I took a walk out to Wallace creek but there weren’t any varieties of flowers there. ThenI I drove South on Elkhorn Road. I stopped and took some walks in the flowers a few places and eventually ended up where I camped last year. I relaxed there for a while, had lunch, and enjoyed the view and birds singing. The road from that location down to Highway 166 was the most likely bad section. It wasn’t as bad as last year. No mud on the whole drive. I drove toward Santa Maria. I stopped in New Cuyama for a short rest then continued. I stopped at Walmart in Arroyo Grande for a walk and to get a couple of things then took a nap in their parking lot. I took a spit bath as well,  Then I prepared dinner there while I continued to wait for rush hour traffic to dissipate. Baked potato with sausage and a salad for dinner.After dinner, about 1840, I got back on the highway and drove up past Camp Roberts to a Rest Stop for the night. 

Saturday: (03/30) On the road about 0700. I stopped in Greenfield for a breakfast burrito and to get flan for later. Next, because gas was significantly cheaper there, I drove on to Soledad to fill my gas tank. My low fuel light had come on in King City. It took 22.2 gallons when it shut off when my prepaid amount of $100 was reached. So, I had less than 1.8 gallons left. Lucky this time. I continued on home. Traffic was pretty good all the way. I revived the RV printer and printed a copy of the tax return for Lou to use to review them. We all went to Harry's Hofbrau for our Easter dinner because we hate holiday crowds. I prepared a photo album of the last few days and made a Facebook post. 

Sunday: (03/31) I was up starting at 0300 with my prostate, kidney stones or whatever bothering me. Leftover burrito for breakfast. I relaxed all day. Lou did review the tax returns which are ready to be filed now. Leftover lasagna for lunch. Lou prepared the required fruit, cheese and waffle chocolate fondue for Easter. Lou made garlic pork chops with tater tots and asparagus for dinner. Later we had some flan for dessert that I had picked up at the market in Greenfield on my way home yesterday.