Monday: (09/14) It really rained a lot last night saturating the yard, so little work today. I did strip the form off the flower bed retaining wall shown above. I also ordered a dumpster to get rid of some of the dirt. Now i do have to figure out what to do with all the concrete blocks that used to line the edge of the removed raised flower bed. Another home in our yard or to the dump? I'll have to ponder that for a while.
The dogs are enjoying the outside. They get put outside at 8am and don't get in again until 8pm.They find the dirt pile a challenge. Walter is resting in a hole in the pile. They are always tossing the dirt onto the patio. Wolfie enjoys his big water dish.
Dawn's friend Courtney is returning to Palo Alto from a couple of years near Boston at school. Lou and Dawn spent most of the day picking her up and helping her move into her apartment.
Breakfast was leftover French toast with bacon. Lunch was leftover sausage soup. Dinner was fried green tomatoes, baked chicken breasts, and a Waldorf salad.
Tuesday: (09/15) Breakfast was waffles, Italian sausage, and fresh pineapple. Lunch was leftovers. Lou and I had refried bean sizes (refried black beans on bread with Italian sausage and cheese. Ernie had pork chops. That got rid of half the leftovers in the fridge. Dinner was spaghetti with clam sauce.
About 10:30 the dumpster arrived and Ernie and I were loading it by 11:00. We got about 8 of the 10 yards loaded but decided to stop after I fell rolling one of the loads up to the top of the dumpster. I managed to twist both ankles so we called it quits for the day. Probably worked about 5 minutes too long today. Ernie started the day with a fall over one of the dogs. Such a pair of wimps we are. We should get the rest loaded tomorrow if we're still moving.
Wednesday: (09/16) Being in no particular hurry to start work ,we enjoyed some morning TV shows when my cell phone alarm went off reminding me of a club meeting today.I spent the morning at the meeting. Lou picked up some 3 gallon buckets for our use in loading the remainder of the dirt. That will keep me off a very precarious ramp since the last 1/5 of the dumpster must be loaded with the door shut. Ernie started loading while I was away at the meeting and made a noticeable dent in the dirt pile.
At my meeting of the Traffic Signal Association there were presentations on new signal products. Of particular interest to me was the improvements in accessible pedestrian signals (for the visually impaired). Some very nice tings becoming available.
When I returned, both Ernie and I worked on loading the dirt and made fairly short work completing the last of the dirt pile completely filling the 10 yard dumpster. Walter seems to wonder where the dirt went (above right).
As it turns out, a cubic foot of dense dirt weighs about 125 pounds. Since 10 cubic yards is 270 cubic feet we moved 33,750 pounds. That's a little over 16 tons. We're now another day and a half older and deeper in debt as Ernie Ford might sing. Actually it went pretty quickly.
The area for the shed floor is ready for the baserock.
Breakfast was leftover sausage soup. Lunch was leftover risotto from the neighbors and leftover baked chicken. Dinner was, of course, more leftovers. We are making headway. Spaghetti, Waldorf salad, Italian sausage, Swiss steak, etc.
Thursday: (09/17) Not much accomplished today. To move the dirt, we borrowed our neighbors wheelbarrow giving use two making the job go faster. That worked for a short while until the wooden handle broke. Old age. Today, we replaced the handles on the wheelbarrow and returned it just like new, maybe better than original. Other than that I just waited for the dumpster to be picked up but they never showed up. Tomorrow we'll be off to the Santa Cruz County Fair in Watsonville so will miss the show.
Dawn had a doctors appointment so she Lou and Courtney went down to San Jose. Courtney picked up some things for her apartment, Lou visited the doll shop and Dawn had her eye doctor visit. Unfortunately she will need another surgery set for next week. Dawn and Courtney went across the street to the neighbors to read to there children this evening.
Breakfast was Ernie fried potatoes and eggs with sausage. Lunch was leftover spaghetti Alfredo. For dinner Ernie baked a pork roast and potatoes and steamed some broccoli. Courtney joined us for dinner.
Friday: (09/18) We all headed off to Cupertino for breakfast at the Country Inn. Dawn and Lou started with a slice of apple pie followed by a shared California eggs Benedict. Ernie had biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs on top. I had eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and Swedish pancakes.
After breakfast we headed to Watsonville South of Santa Cruz to the Santa Cruz County Fair. It's a nice smaller real fair. Few vendors and lots of animals and competitive entries.
We stumbled upon some old friends, Harvey, Georgia Cohen and their daughter. They have been selling stone lithography seedart packets for a number of years. They usually sell at art and wine type events. They've been looking for a new venture so they started selling Harvey's Gourmet Mini Donuts this year and all is going well. It was interesting to stumble across them again. (Learn more.)
We had dinner in Watsonville at the Super Taqueria then returned over the mountain home.
I forgot my camera so no pictures of the fair. Here is a link to last years post.
Saturday: (09/19) Lou and I made a shopping trip. Gas, a check at Big Lots, and then finally, the purpose of our trip, a visit to Lyngsol Supply. I ordered my base rock but they can't deliver it until Monday morning. Lou picked up some drivable grass bricks. She's going to install them by our front porch in the flower bed and grow baby tears in them. Of course, we stopped at a thrift store on the way home.
Breakfast was a egg,cheese and bologna sandwich. Lunch was a nacho supreme at Chavez Market in Redwood City. Dinner was ??
Sunday: (09/20) Today was a day off. I tinkered at the computer some and accomplished little.
Breakfast was an English muffin with peanut butter and jam. Lunch was a gripped cheese sandwich. Ernie roasted a chicken for dinner
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