I arrived a bit early but there were already about 20 RV's in line so I pulled in behind for the 50 minute wait for them to start parking the RV's Very smooth operation. Parked and registered in no time. Since I drove into the wee hours of the morning, I'll just take it easy this morning.
Lou arrive in time for the 2pm orientation meeting. We took a walk around the fair grounds and discovered a nice brewery we'll have to go by while we're here.
Monday: We attended some sessions on going to Alaska and other RV related topics. Alaska sounds like a nice place to visit. Next summer?
Lots of club chapter and vendor information booths.
There was some entertainment provided by a high school in Grass Valley that was extremely good.
Sorry for the picture quality (dark room zoom shot) but it is such a good example of why you should look around where you are going to take a seat. The banner is a smily face but he looks like Mickey Mouse.
Monday: Attended seminars today.
Tuesday: We attended more seminars. Later, we had dinner at Sharon’s Cookhouse, 1228 Dayton Rd., at the corner of Pomona. They feature Southern-style food. The place was filled with other Escapees. We had dinner with a couple Lou had been speaking with about a new (old) Singer Featherweight sewing machine. They own one like Lou has been wanting. Lou found one at a local shop that specializes in this old sewing machine. The one Lou bought was manufactured in 1942. It's good as new.
Wednesday: Lunch at IHOP with some of the Datastorm User Group/ Escapee members. It is good to see fellow satellite users and to put faces to members familiar only by their forum postings.
Thursday: We both attended a presentation on RV'ing in Idaho. Later, Don attended a presentation on the Habitat For Humanity projects. Lou attended a presentation about maximizing storage in a small RV.
After the closing meeting at 3pm we left about 5pm. We had intended to stay out a few more days but decided to head home to take care of some business.
We stopped at the Colusa Casino long enough to loose a couple of dollars and then on to home arriving about 9:45 PM. Our good neighbors next door brought over some just baked brownies. Nice to be home.
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