Tuesday: (01/11) Breakfast was oatmeal with bananas and honey. We stopped at Home Depot to get a new Venetian blind. I managed to break one. We also stopped at the Winco market for a couple of things. Then we were off South on Highway 86 toward El Centro then I8 to Yuma. After fueling and sandwiches for lunch, I stopped at a shop to arrange to have the brakes looked at. They started grinding. Possibly something fell apart. No performance reduction and they checked good when we returned home last June with less than 1000 miles since? We now have an appointment for tomorrow morning so decided to spend the night close by. We stopped at the
Paradise Casino just across the Colorado river. Even though it's on the West side of the river, it's still in Arizona? Odd? The weather is finally nice. Shirt sleeve weather again! Lou and Dawn attacked a few thrift stores while I settled in at our campsite for the rest of the day. A nice Chef's salad for dinner.
Wednesday: (01/12) We were up early. Lou fixed one of her oven omelets with spinach for breakfast. We were at the brake shop by 9am as scheduled. By 10am they had found the problem to be in the right rear brake. The rotor had to be replaced and new pads on both rear wheels. The pads supposedly had 55% left but something caused to right side to fail necessitating early retirement.
Ed Whitehead's Tire Country did a good job on the brakes and got us in and out quickly.

RV brake job in Yuma.

Left side pads weren't bad.
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