Wednesday: (02/09) We came back down to Quartzsite this morning. Our permit is still good so we'll take advantage of the services (dump, water, and garbage) when we can. We'll be heading up to Lake Havasu in a week or so for the Winter Blast fireworks shows. The weather is nice. We found a spot near where we were with some trees so it's more like camping. While we're here we'll do some geocaching and jeep roads nearby. Ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch. For dinner we went to the QIA where i enjoyed pancakes, sausage, and hash browned potatoes with gravy. Lou had corned beef and cabbage with jello.
Thursday: (02/10) I had oatmeal while Lou had leftover corned beef and cabbage. We drove down to Andrade, Ca and then visited Algodones Mexico. Lou's had a cold for about 10 days so she picked up some antibiotics. We had our usual lunch of shrimp tacos and a vanilla milkshake. Even though our agenda was finished in less than an hour we still got to enjoy the usual 40 minute wait in line to get back to these United States. We picked up a few necessities at Joann's (thread), the Yuma Park and Shop flea market (a hitch receiver riser), Harbor Freight Tools (a tow strap) and gas. We were on our way by 2pm back toward Quartzsite. Dinner was chicken with rice and some avocado for me and chicken soup and some avocado for Lou. One problem of such small quarters is that there is no way I'll escape getting Lou's cold, eventually. We had some very steady brisk winds while heading down, while there and on our return trip. Fortunately the wind died shortly after our return home.
Friday: (02/11) Oatmeal and bananas with honey for breakfast. Leftovers ham sandwich and an apple with peanut butter for me and Lou had a chef's salad for lunch. For dinner we went out to the Grubstake for the fish and chips. We relaxed at home all day. I did go out and get bread and water at the market and made a stop at K&B tools for some wood to keep in the jeep for extraction needs. I also tried the hitch riser out but can't use it until I get another receiver pin and something to extend the safety cables. Always something that's forgotten. Lou's feeling much better today but we watched a lot of the TV series Rumpole Of The Bailey today.
Saturday: (02/12) I fixed pancakes and sausage for breakfast. We took a walk around the Tyson Wells vendors in the morning. Lunch was shrimp and onions at Rice Ranch. We relaxed at home most of the afternoon. We did drive out around Q mountain and locate some geocaches as it was getting dark. Dinner was chicken enchiladas, leftovers from the freezer.
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