While watching the work in back by the fountain a humming bird paid a visit, and this time, I had my camera. The shot on the right was spoiled by the triceratops that lives there.
Today, they completed the North side of the house, most of the rest of the front and prepared half the South side. In addition, they fabricated the rain gutters. There were three guys here all day until after 7pm and two guys who dropped the three off picked up some material here at the house and returned to their shop, in Sacramento, to bend the gutters. Now that's a long drive to get to the shop and back here to pick up the other installers.
While we waited for the crew to arrive we modified our 4 wheeled bike by removing the top and baby seat. This makes it much lighter and it looks nice, more like a sports care rather than a family wagon. It's our Italian Sports Car since it is made in Italy.
Tomorrow, with five workers, they should finish, almost. The almost is because they ran out of the gingerbread scalloped shingle siding used on the upper front areas. That may delay actual completion but they may be finished otherwise tomorrow. Now that's fast!
Thursday, the garage door should be installed as well so then we may be through with all ths mess getting the place spruced up.
Tuesday: (08/12) I was up about 6:30 intending to take a shower before the installers showed up.
Lou and Dawn are off to San Jose for Lou's doll class and Dawn's meetings.
Today, for the first time, they showed up early at about 7:15. I had to remind them that they couldn't start work until 8:00 per a city ordinance but that didn't slow them much but they just moved things and didn't use hammers of power tools so we didn't get caught. The end result was they finished everything and departed about 4:15. The scalloped shingles are still awaiting parts but should arrive in a week or so.
The last piece, except for the back ordered shingles, is being installed above left. The service area (above right) turned out very neat.
The side of the garage and the new hot water shelter. The almost complete siding project above right.
After they left, I vacuumed the yard of all the Styrofoam dust and searched for lost nails and screws. That took a while even though when they left the yard was actually pretty clean, by contractor standards. I also reinstalled the fencing next to the house.
Wednesday: (08/13) Play day. Tomorrow the garage door will be installed but today nobody here but me. I did some final work on the fence replacement. It now is free standing and needed a metal brace. It used to be attached to the house.
With the work done I updated this blog and otherwise took it easy. When I did finally venture out, I stopped for a hair cut at the Stanford barber shop then at Chaves Market in Redwood City for a very late lunch or early dinner? I enjoyed my usual super carnitas burrito. Next stop, get gas. What a pleseant surprise, only $4.15/gal. Best price in many months.
I then stopped by Target looking for stuff, nothing found there. Next stop was Redwood Supply, a hiker/camper supply store. I was looking for new hiking boots and new shoes. I found my usual sketchers loafers but didn't like the hiking boots I tried on.
Next stop was Big Lots, the discount store for some cannded fruit and some energy drinks. I indulge the ocassional Red Bull enrgy drink bu they're a bit costly. It's what's in the drink that's important and Big Lots has a number of other similiar drinks for 1/4 the price. I'm not drinking the Red Bull because it tastes good or quenches the thirst but to get me moving again. The other drinks seem to all work as well.
Next stop the Orchard Supply Hardware store. I needed a new faucet and a few other things. I cruised through the Costco next door as well and picked up a berry sundae. It was rather hot before that.
On the way home I walked the Stanford Mall. I haven't been there in a while. It's a nice place to walk. Nice flowers and fountains. Then it was tome to head home. Enough fun.
Thursday: (08/14) The garage door installer arrived about 8:38 for his 8am appointment. He did a very good job installing the new door. An advantage of getting the new door was that we had to cleanup the garage so he'd have room to install the door. The garage is actually mostly Lou's pottery shop except for the laundry area. It hasn't been cleaned in quite a while, our usual method, wait until desperately needed.
The installer departed about 12:38 leaving a nicely installed new garage door. Quite an inprovement.
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