Lou and I took all our hazardous waste to the city's hazardous waste disposal event that they have each month. When I cleaned up the shop I got rid of most of the old used paint, varnish and etc. What I couldn't solidify and place in the trash is what went.
We then went shopping. I needed some compactor bags that I use to carry the debris, that I generate with my digging, to the dump. That's as close as I got to working. Of course, with the lousy hardware stores that exist today finding stuff is work. We also stopped by Big Lots, a discount store and bought more than we planned, but it was all cheap. I've become a user of energy drinks. I get drowsy in the afternoon and that work best to snap me to consciousness again. Redbull and the others at the usual places cost too much, about $2+ each. Big Lots sells stuff that is the same and costs $.60. They work as well so why not save. of course I'm looking for a fruit or vegetable that does the same but haven't found it yet.
I also went to the Electric Vehicle Rally at Palo Alto High School sponsored by the Electric Auto Association. There were all sorts on display. They even gave free rides on the bikes and some little cars.
The carriage above left is a 20 year old homemade electric vehicle. The bicycle on the right has been converted to electric with a range of 20-30 miles. I was especially interested in bicycle conversions. I got enough information to add another project to my list.
There were lots of factory built commuter vehicles as well.
And some on an even smaller scale, a trike and a single person coupe with some solar.
The bicycle trailer above left I see quite often cruising down a street in our neighborhood. The balanced platform vehicle is a home built version of a Segway including his own processor and controls. From this builder i learned about the TechShop, a membership workshop that has every conceivable tool. It sounds like something I might utilize in the future.
The vehicle above is solar powered but it would take three days to charge up after a normal commute. Not really practical yet.
Dawn was home doing creative cooking. She made some pickles. and then pizza for dinner. The pizza had a corn meal crust and used an alfredo sauce.
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