We then visited the Tracy Aviary at Liberty Park In Salt lake City. We enjoyed our visit which included a little bird show.
Our next stop was to the Hill AFB Air Museum near Ogden, Utah. We pulled the RV out of the Swift lot and hit the road. This is a pretty nice museum though a little disorganized right now. Lots of planes. Ernie used to be stationed here and worked on some of the military jets that were on display like the F104. We had hot dogs for lunch from their stand.
We continued North on I15 and stopped for the night in the Perry Rest Area at MM363. For dinner we had chefs salads.
Sunday: (07/12) We enjoyed waffles, eggs and bacon for breakfast at our rest area campsite. We then stopped by the Walmart at the next exit for more veggies then we tried to see the bird refuge but the Visitor Center was closed and the road had a weight restriction that we would exceed so we headed off into the mountains East of Logan on highway 89 along the Logan River in Logan Canyon. We stopped for a walk along the river and looked over one of the power houses there.
At the summit, we stopped at a Rest Area / View Point which had a good Visitor Center. You get really good views from the top of the mountain of the Bear Lake which is quite a big lake. It's water is supposed to change color, blue if nice weather, green if hazy, and gray if stormy. Today it was very blue. We had lunch of cold cuts, cheese and crackers with carrot and celery sticks.
We drove to the end of the St Charles Canyon Road which is the parking area for the Minnitonka Cave tours. We couldn't turn around so had to disconnect and park. Oddly, there is RV parking for long vehicles. The cave was nice, a fault limestone cave with some decoration.
We drove down the mountain a little ways to the Cloverleaf CG and got a nice space in the trees where we were able to shoot through the trees and get our satellite Internet signal. We're in Idaho near Montpelier in this Forest Service campground for the night.
Lots of flowers to be seen everywhere. We spent time taking lots of pictures up at the lake overlook earlier and then time here in camp along the river that flows by it.
Even saw a 6 inch orange mushroom.
Dinner was pork chop sandwiches with beans.
Tomorrow we'll head back toward SLC via Ogden on different roads.
Monday: (07/13) This day is most famous as the birthday of Ernest Wood.
On our way out St Charles canyon Road we drove through a couple of campgrounds to see what they were like. All the campgrounds are very nice. We headed South along the lake on the road we came in on from garden City then veered left on highway 30 up a pretty good grade to what looked like the Wyoming plateau.
We turned South on Highway 16 then West on the Scenic Byway highway 39 into Ogden. Highway 39 is scenic. We toured another campground near the top, nice as well. We also stopped for lunch and a flower photo session near the summit. Highway 39 near the top runs along the ridge with beautiful valleys on either side. Lots of quaking aspen trees in the forest. Lunch was hotdogs and cottage cheese and fruit.
Just before we emerged into Ogden and out of the mountains we stopped at a waterfall, unnamed. It looks like a bypass flow from a power house penstock that rides near the top of the canyon wall. Quite impressive.
We returned to our campsite in the Swift trucking parking lot but when we arrived there was another RV in the lot and a truck parked in "our" spot. We chose a different spot by the lot entrance along some grass and aligned with the tail facing West. We had been aligned with the tail North and so got the hot evening sun shining inside the RV through the door and window. With this alignment we hope to reduce the heating effect.
The car was nice and cooperated by re-engaging the driveline easily on both the past disconnects up at the cave and here at the terminal. A little lubricant evidently helps.
Tonight we're going out to dinner. We would have gone to Ernie's choice, the Pagoda Chinese Restaurant but they are closed Monday's. So, we planned on going to my choice, the Red Iguana Mexican Restaurant. Maybe the Pagoda tomorrow when they're open? They had an hours long wait so off we went. Turns out we went to the old Spaghetti House at the Trolley Barns/ Very good dinner/ Ernie had lasagna and I had meatloaf.
Either the new alignment worked or it is much cooler today. Not sure which yet but it is nice this afternoon here. It was nice to get away for the weekend.
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