My morning task was to clean off my desk. I also finalized and filed our taxes and got them in the mail. Isn't procrastination fun?
For lunch I had a ham sandwich with horseradish cheese. This was served with leftover carrot apple and raisin salad.
Dinner was pork ribs, green beans, home made fettuccine noodles or "pasta desasta" as Ernie calls them. He tried making the noodles with our pasta maker but the machine would help and he ended up rolling and slicing them by hand. I told him I usually find them at the market. Some things are not worth doing yourself.
Enough of avoiding outside work. Tomorrow I really need to get to it starting with the removal of a bunch of dirt. The dogs have been very kind by not just running up the to of the dirt pile and jumping into the neighbors yard.
Thursday: (07/02) If we were on the road and were not settled in at some nice campground this close to a holiday we'd be doing that today. As it is, we're settled in at home so no worries.
For breakfast I had a couple of left over biscuits with bologna and cheese. Everyone else had cereal. After watching the morning Perry Mason and then Rachael Ry show, I finally got to work. I pruned away plants in the raised flower bed, move a few tons of concrete blocks weighing from 150 to 300 or more lbs each. Some of these are blocks I moved when I built the green house last fall. Since I'm building yard buildings next to the green house now, I needed to move them again (bad planning) and to move more of them. With a break at noon for a second Perry Mason episode and lunch (hot dogs), I returned after lunch to complete the concrete block move, then called it a day. After a nice shower, Ernie and I went out shopping for a couple of hardware items.
Dinner tonight was at Cecelia's Mexican Restaurant up the street. We had a couple of coupons to use.
Friday: (07/03) Dawn's garden is doing nicely. The above is only part of her garden. She has things all over the yard.
Breakfast was cereal. Lunch was sandwiches. Dinner was pigs in blankets, green salad, and French fries.
Yesterday we moved the concrete blocks. Today we moved the dirt pile. The dirt is the collection from previous projects, mostly from the green house project, that needed to be moved before the dogs fully realize how easy it would be to jump into the neighbors yard. I originally planned on moving the pile once directly to the dump.That changed because of time constraints. The dirt had to be moved. Ernie and I will be headed back to Salt Lake City Monday and the dogs are going to stay here.
Saturday: (07/4) Independence Day. Today started out pretty much routine. I washed three cars (Mine, Lou's, and Ernie's) and the RV. Everything was pretty dirty.
I usually wash the RV and Toad soon after we arrive home and if we've been home a while, just before we leave. It's always a good idea to get the bugs off while they're fresh. Seems like I was slow getting to it this time but it needed to be done since washing it once we're on the road is much more difficult. There were lots of pieces of road oil and gravel on the rear wall and the wheels from that bad section of I15 in Utah on the way home. I got the rear cleaned but the wheels still need work. Maybe I'll get it done on the road?
About 2pm we went over to some friends house in San Jose for a potluck dinner/BBQ. The food was great and far too much, as usual. We returned home about 6:30 to save the dogs from all the noise.
Traffic going to and from San Jose was very light, typical for at home holidays but this year was different in that there were very few fireworks displays. San Jose canceled theirs due to budget concerns, Stanford canceled theirs due to "safety concerns" due to too much construction on campus. We need to get a good fireworks show video I guess.
Sunday: (07/05) I spent the day cleaning the RV interior and packing. Ernie spent the day cooking. Lou and Dawn spent the day rummaging at sales.
I also repaired the antenna mechanism on the RV. The shaft that the crank attaches to was stripped. After replacement, the thing works effortlessly. Before it was very hard to turn. I guess it's another item that needs occasional lubrication with silicon spray.
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