Monday: (08/10) It's going to be hot again today.
I built a jig to hold Lou's wheel on the router table and spun the wheel over the bit to put a couple of grove on the edge. It worked well. Lou fixed some shef's salad's for lunch. I played the rest of the day, too hot to work. When i was in the shop (tent) I set up a big fan with a mister in from to air condition the tent in the 95 degree heat, otherwise hotter in the tent. It was quite comfy. Lou had a class at Kaiser on controlling back pain. Dinner was leftover pork roast and corn on the cob.
Tuesday: (08/11) Up earlier than usual (0700) Breakfast was eggs, fried beerworst with cheese and toast.
I drove Dawn down to San Jose for her class. I then dropped by her apartment to tweak her PC. I installed Carbonite backup software on it but the license didn't stick so 45 minutes later I had the license set. It seems like that should have been an easier task like I had originally thought byt Carbonite didn't work that way. Just the usual, doing things right the first time is easier than fixing it later.
I had a dentist's appointment for cleaning at 11am after which I stopped by the nearby Chinese buffet for lunch. Those clean teeth didn't last long.
Next door to the restaurant was the Ethicalapproach Store, an electric vehicle store. They had several brands of electric bikes and scooter, the ZAP electric vehicles and a new Green Vehicle electric van and trike. I was quite impressed with the van. Hoss Cartright and five equal sized friend would ride in the van in comfort (I had 6" head room with room for my knees in all seats) with a range of 100 miles. I was told it can cruise on the freeway by the literature says its a NEV (35mph). The Triac car can go 80mph, for sure. They are made here in San Jose so it will be interesting to watch. Is Silicon Valley going to be an auto making center now (Tesla, Green Vehicles, Sparrow)?
I then returned to San Jose. I stopped at Leale's RV repair and scheduled the generator repair. I also stopped by where the Steel House used to be but it was gone. I'll have to find another place to get my metal. Gee, why aren't then still in business. I was there just 10 years ago. They must have been waiting for my return business. Lou did a little shopping and Ernie baked some cookies.
Dinner was smoked chicken, lima beans, and spinach.
Wednesday: (08/12) French pancakes ala Ernie for breakfast.I spent the afternoon looking for materials and generally avoiding work. Lou fixed enchiladas for dinner.
Thursday: (08/13) Parmesan cheese popcorn for breakfast. I can't eat popcorn in the evening so breakfast is a good time for it. Ernie bought himself a new folding Dahon bike at REI. I didn't really do much today. Lou and I did made a visit to the hardware store and another garden supply center. Leftover smoked chicken for dinner with au gratin potatoes and salad.
Friday: (08/14) Breakfast burritos for the refrigerator leftovers. I worked a little in the yard starting to re-route some pipes by digging a trench. Lunch was cold cuts. Dawn picked one of her tomatoes a persimmon tomato, it was a very good yellow tomato. Dinner was leftover enchiladas with fresh broccoli slaw
Saturday: (08/15) Lou made and Ernie baked cinnamon rolls last night. We enjoyed them for breakfast. I worked on my trench more today finishing whittling it in the afternoon. Lunch was leftover spaghetti. Dinner was more leftovers, enchiladas and potato salad. In the evening we went to the Stanford Theater to see a couple of old movies starring Ginger Rogers.
Sunday: (08/16) I worked all day digging the last three feet of the trench through the bricks in the floor of the green house and then at re-installing the pipes for the sprinklers and faucets in the rear yard that were displaced when the flower bed was lowered. It all took longer because I tried to avoid removing the bricks and attempted to find a way to push the new pipes under them. I finally gave that idea up and just lifted them. Of course, now I have to try to re-insert them which will probably be a lot of fun.
Breakfast was evidently not memorable but lasting. Lunch was leftover Iranian potato salad. Ernie fixed a lean beef and chicken burger meatloaf for dinner with carrot apple and raisin salad, and black eyed peas.
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