Wednesday: (03/09) Cereal with bananas and yogurt for breakfast. We were off to town early. I was headed to the Gypsy Journal Rally at the fairgrounds while Lou had a day planned out shopping. I attended the rally to learn more about our planned trip to Alaska. There was a discussion panel today and tomorrow there is a planning seminar. I also attended some other seminars. The Alaska talk was very informative, I did learn more about safe driving at another, the working on the road seminar sounded too un-retired, and the talk on central America travel was interesting. Lou met me for lunch and we went over to the Eat Asian buffet again on Pacific. Dinner was baby back ribs and a baked potato for me and a sweet potato for Lou. Desert was grapes. It was a nice sunny day all day with no winds. Couldn't beat it.
Thursday: (03/10) Another day at the Gypsy Journal Rally in Yuma. I attended seminars on how to prepare to go to Alaska, buying a kayak, best apps for your smart phone, and how to talk to a salesman. Lou was busy out on the town in Yuma. Oatmeal with yogurt for breakfast. We had lunch at the Eat Asian Buffet again, quick and good. Dinner was chicken with rice.

Above are a couple of the seminars I attended. One on the best apps for the smart phones and another on selecting a kayak.
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