Sunday: (03/06) We got up before sunrise and walked out to the beaver pond for a look. Not too much exciting today. The usual coot antics and we also spotted a muskrat. We also heard the big owl. I looked around in a big tree near the pond, the only big tree in the area and also close to where the owl is reported to spend the night on a light post near the boat launch. We haven't seen him yet. I didn't see any evidence of his staying in the tree such as owl pellets. May not be his home, but it seems likely. We had Italian bread with sausage gravy for breakfast.
We headed out to Picachio State Park Northwest of our camp. It's about 30 miles out a dirt road to the park.
On our way in we turned on to road 659 and headed out to the base of Picacatio Peak. We took a short walk on the way and saw these flowers.
On this first walk we could see Picachio peak in the distance. These plants are all around. part of the plants are green and part white.
On the road to the peak.
We took a hike on the way and at the end of the road on the West side of the peak near the base. I went a bit further on my hike all the way up to the last 200' to the top. It would have required too much scrambling for this old man. I'd have also needed to have let Lou know of the intent. She was expecting me back already. Maybe next time with a helmet knee pads and a rope, just in case. Actually it looks easy enough without. The peak is similar to Devils tower, a tall sheer sided rock but this one actually is two rocks that has this rather nice, but steep path up the middle of the two peaks. When I returned to Lou and the Jeep we had lunch under a palo verde tree, olive loaf and cheese sandwiches. We drove back the 7 miles on the jeep road and continued on out Picachio Road to the park.
Great views from near the top. Must be really good from the top.
We looked around at the campground. We didn't take any hikes. I was already tired from the previous hike. Picachio Road was good all the way out to the park. Last year we drove out to the park in our Volvo. No deep sand or ruts like last year. We could have made it out in the motorhome though it would have really rattled it. After determining the park may be worth a stay in the future, we headed back toward home via road 649, the Indian Pass Road. It goes West out of the park and is a real jeep road through some heavy sand and ruts. It's about 27 miles out to Ogilby Road. Along Ogilby Road we stopped at an old gold mine town, Tumco Townsite Historic Walk and looked around the ghost town. No buildings remain so not much to see. We then headed on down to I8 stopping at the Quechan Casino for dinner. After topping the gas tank, we headed home.
Monday: (03/07) Leftovers for breakfast. Leftover sandwiches from yesterday and some french toast. Avocado dip with cheese, chips and crackers for lunch. Chili sizes for dinner. It was very windy today and overcast. I tinkered with the refrigerator. It's been running warm recently. Runs OK with AC but not with gas so I checked the burner and cleaned it up as best I could. No improvement. I think it's just a personality thing. It has a bad personality. I tinkered at the computer the rest of the day. Lou cleaned house and worked on dolls.
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