Thursday, February 9, 2012

Squaw Lake At Imperial Dam

Thursday: (02/09) A nice sunny morning. No clouds like the past few days. We had breakfast at the casino again this morning. Then we headed downtown to get gas and drinking water after which we drove out to Squaw Lake CG by Imperial Dam.

Squaw lake
We choose the CG rather than the Long Term Camping Area because we'll only be here a few days. A good look at the burros and a walk, if I can walk, maybe an off road run in the Jeep, and we'll be off.

Chicken Pepper Steak Sandwich
We enjoyed Lou's chicken and pepper sandwiches for lunch. We settled in to camp. Lou did some sewing and I tinkered at the computer. About 5pm we took a walk over to the beaver pond but all is not well. Apparently the beaver is gone. Our ill considering government workers opened their dam. The water level is down two feet and the beaver seems to have departed. Too bad. Along with them, most of the birds are also gone from the pond area. It used to be quite nice. For dinner we had a nice green salad and some of Lou's leftover beef enchiladas. After dinner we joined our neighbors at the campfire.

Racoon Tracks On Jeep

Friday: (02/10) Chorizo omelet with avocado for breakfast. We took a short walk by Squaw lake and I determined I wouldn't be taking a longer hike today. My leg still isn't perfect. We had some visitors in the night. Some racoons seemed to have an interest in the Jeep.

We looked around our favorite camp area in Kripple Kreek and noticed there were several vacancies and no one we knew there this year. We also went over to Sun Garden Date Farm for our date shakes. For lunch it was leftovers. I had the chicken and pepper sandwich and Lou had the Chinese stir fry.

Jeep Road 699 By Senator Wash Jeep By Cabin Sit On Road 699
After lunch we drove out road 699 to an old mine. The first part of the road was nice, the last half was rock crawling. Fortunately my limit switch was in the copilot seat and suggested we turn around before sliding off the side of the mountain at a narrow spot.

Ferguson lake
Then we drove out to Ferguson lake for a look.

Dinner was my chili sizes. After dinner we joined our neighbors Larry and Diann and  Dick and Sally at the campfire.

Squaw Lake Sunrise Squaw Lake Sunrise
A couple of sunrises over Squaw Lake.

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