Friday, October 28, 2016

Jasper Ridge Botanical Preserve Hike

Friday: (10/28) My usual hiking breakfast of a maple bar and a sausage, egg and cheese English muffin from L&L Hawaiian down the street. Alex picked me up and we met our fellow hikers at Windy Hill preserve then carpooled in fewer cars to Jasper Ridge Botanical Preserve a short distance away in Woodside.
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Jasper Ridge is part of thee Stanford campus and has been closed to the public since the 1970′s. It is a research botanical preserve.
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This is a docent led hike of only 3 miles but very interesting. Learning that there are three resident types of bats there and 17 varieties that visit the preserve including migratory bats from Brazil and Mexico. I’ve never seen a bat around these mountains before. They study them with microphone sensors placed around the preserve and the sounds are analyzed by artificial intelligence software. They also count ants and leaves on trees for other studies.
Jasper Ridge Hile In Woodside 1028161024c Jasper Ridge Hile In Woodside 1028161050
That aside, it’s a beautiful place to visit. The rain finished just before the hike and it didn’t rain during the hike. Nice!
Jasper Ridge Hile In Woodside 1028161057b Jasper Ridge Hile In Woodside 1028161155
This site was open to the public until the mid 1970′s. Since then it’s been a closed research preserve.
Jasper Ridge Hile In Woodside 1028161148_Pano
*Post hike, we stopped for lunch at John’s Cafe in Woodside. I relaxed the rest of the day. Lou made hamburger steaks with lattice fried potatoes for dinner.

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