Friday, February 9, 2007


Lots of rain recently. I was working on the arbor before the rain started but couldn't continue in the rain. I need to weld the structure together and wouldn't want to ruin the equipment. So I diverted my efforts to actually clearing room by the shop under cover. Cleanup is only a last resort for me. If it isn't rain, it's material shortages, or tool shortages or?? so it's taking a while. I'm not really in a hurry though. Seems like any reason to stop diverts my efforts. This isn't really different than any other of my "projects".

I also attacked the mess in my study, a little. Now there's a project. There is so much "stuff" there. Little is of value. Each time I return to it I recognize less of it is valuable. Maybe someday I'll find the desk top again. It's a rainy day project so hope the rain remains.

Being a person with a short attention span, I've also been working on computer projects especially learning about Flex.

So, as you might guess, little progress is made on anything. Hopefully, a bunch of "littles" make a job , or two, done, eventually.

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