I worked on that list some more. I removed the automatic step from the RV. It was damaged long ago when it deployed was re were on the road and caught on the ground on a dirt road and bent. It then wouldn't full retract. After getting it mostly up we've left it off for a couple of years. Why carry the heavy thing, so I removed it. If I'm able to straighten it and fix the door switch that let it pop out on the road, I'll reinstall it. I don't think we really need it though?
I tinkered at the computer setting up some new software on my web server.
Tuesday: (06/10) French toast for breakfast this morning.
Another appointment with a contractor for the siding, windows and such. This contractor was here about 3 hours and left us an estimate before leaving. Big project but her price is the best so far.
Dawn baked some really nice cookies this evening. Lou's working on her dolls and I'm tinkering at the computer some more.
Wednesday: (06/11) More corned beef hash for breakfast today. Today was an excursion day. Lou and Dawn had a list of things to do in San Jose so i tagged along. Dawn had a couple of appointments and Lou had her doll making class.
While Dawn was at one of her appointments, Lou and I explored Home Depot and Lowe's in Sunnyvale. We checked their doors windows, siding etc. The windows a Lowe's look good but their display models were only single hung. We like double hung windows. More looking and checking.
We stopped for egg rolls and shrimp along the way to San Jose for Lou's class. Dawn explored the library at San Jose State University while I replaced a fence picket at her place and tinkered with her PC updating software.
Then we were off to Dawn's second appointment after which we explored the nearby Westfield shopping Center and Santanna Row Shopping Center stopping for dinner at the New York Cheesecake Factory. We started with a shared slice of cheesecake followed by a shared shepherds pie. More than enough for three. We then headed toward home. Busy day.
I tinkered a little online this evening finally figuring out how to remotely access a Windows PC (server) using my Linux laptop (eeePC). it's easy once you enter the right information at the right time.
Pretty hot today.
I noticed that I appear to have broken a tooth in half. No pain fortunately except for a minor occasional temperature sensitivity. Looks like a visit to the dentist is in order.
Thursday: (06/12) This morning I called my dentist to have him look at my damaged tooth. I got an appointment for 3:30 today.
I tinkered on the computer and websites most of the day until it was time to head over to the dentist. He prepared a temporary crown and I was off with an appointment in a couple of weeks to install the permanent crown. i guess I didn't need that $1k anyway?
Friday: (06/13) Lou and Dawn went out on an excursion to California Avenue to the bookstore and a walk there. I tinkered as usual this morning and also reviewed some of the material on doors, windows garage doors and siding that we've collected.
About 2pm Lou and I left stopping at Madco Welding Supply to pick up my repaired regulator. We then headed down to Sunnyvale's Lowe's store and ordered our replacement garage door and set up an appointment to have our windows measured for replacement. Lowe's windows seem to be better made that the others we've seen. We also toured a new home improvement store HD Remodel and Restore, a Home Depot store for contractors, even more warehouse like than their regular stores. Interesting place and no crowd.
My turn to fix dinner. I fixed spaghetti tonight. After dinner I baked a couple of rhubarb pies and made some tarts as well. They had some nice cheap rhubarb at the vegetable stand when we went shopping a couple of days ago. The pies turned out delicious, in my opinion.
Saturday: (06/14) I put the repaired regulator on Lou's little tanks and hooked up my new Cobra welding torch that I got in Quartzsite. The regulator worked well as did the torch. But, I got a nice DVD with video's on how to use the new torch, quite different from my existing torch. I went in to start to watch them and got waylayed by my computer and ending up doing other things on the computer and didn't get to the videos.
Sunday: (06/15) Oh boy, the "real" Father's Day. We all went over to Hidden Villa in the Los Altos hills. It's a land trust with a farm, garden and hiking trails. It's also home to the oldest youth hostel in America.
We enjoyed a nice short hike on one of the trails.
We enjoyed visiting the chickens, pigs, sheep, goats etc. We had packed a nice picnic lunch which we enjoyed in the shade of a nice tree watching all the activity at the farm.
And, of course, I took pictures of flowers at the farm.
Several pictures.
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