Tuesday: (06/03) The toad (my car) went into the shop for service. A routine 170,000 mile checkup, eliminate a squeak in the steering wheel and repair the air conditioner. It's another election day so we dropped by the polling place to deliver our ballots. I worked on copying DVD video recordings of Dawn's graduation ceremonies. While waiting for those I worked on a software project.
Wednesday: (06/04) Today the first contractor dropped by to take measurements of the house.
I worked on the list of tasks. Today, I replaced the RV's bathroom sink valve and re-caulked all the seams around the sink and tub. Now if I can just stop the leak on the supply line to the sink valve.
Thursday: (06/05) A little weeding of the front lawn, just a little. Then I checked the new bathroom sink faucet for leaks. There were none so I cleaned everything that came out of the bath cabinet and that was on the top of the vanity.
Next project was to replace the connector on the front of the toad that connects the lights and brakes to the RV. The cover broke some time back and I bought the connector but with my usual expert procrastination it hasn't been installed yet. I also needed to fix an intermittent for the right brake light/blinker on the toad when hooked to the RV. I thought I had a bad wire but it rang out as good. Humm?
I installed the new connector on the car and on the cable and everything now works. Must have been a high resistance connection in the connector? As long as everything works, who cares why?
Lou and Dawn spent the Day out shopping.
Friday: (06/06) Lou and Dawn took me out to lunch in Sunnyvale to the Crazy Buffet, a Chinese buffet. We hate crowds so this is my Fathers Day lunch.
They headed toward home via all the thrift shops while I caught the bus toward San Jose.
This afternoon they are having a ten year anniversary open house for the traffic operations center I worked at. They've updated a few things and have some neat things going on. Faster communications to the traffic controllers, new software, new monitors, and more. A rich uncle must have died? Nice to see it working so well!
It was nice to see all the people I worked with both there and from the other agencies. One problem was talking to one of the vendors and getting a job offer. I'll have to see if I can resist. Shouldn't be too hard. The main thing I learned when I retired was that I don't like work.
Work is a little over 20 miles from home and a day pass for the bus is $5. I would have used 2-3 gallons if I drove and that would have been about $14 at our gas prices today of $4.67 a gallon. Save a buck here and a buck there and pretty soon you can buy a hamburger.
Saturday: (06/07) Nothing significant happened today , as far as I can remember?
Sunday: (06/08) Fathers Day, or so we thought. I took all the advantage of the day I could doing almost nothing all day. We did walk over to Fry;s Electronics for our evening walk. Just walking and looking. (Lou learned later that she had the wrong day and I didn't know either. One of the problems of not being time and date aware)
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