Monday: (07/28) We, mostly, finished moving back into the laundry room. I did the first load of laundry. It's nice to have a drain that drains and doesn't leak, for a change. This house has had several problems with drain pipes that try to send water uphill, not the best method of trying to drain water.
Tuesday: (07/29) I built a platform, a couple of days ago, to support the new cabinets from Ikea over the drain pipe that was attached to the wall surface. Most of the storage below it is usable. The finished laundry room, shown on the right above, looks a lot different. I wish I'd have taken a before picture. It a night and day difference.
The water heater shelter construction begins.
Lou and Dawn were in San Jose all day but returned for dinner. We went up to Redwood City to Harry's Haufbrau for dinner. We qll had pastrami dinners. A real treat.
Wednesday: (7/30) We were up early, had leftover French toast and bacon for breakfast and were on the road to Paso Robles.
We visited the California Mid State Fair in Paso Robles. We always wanted to visit but never made it to the fair before this. We've been hanging around home this summer and we were only going for the day so we drove down in the car with the idea of using a motel if we didn't feel like returning today. We arrived there before 11am, walked around the grounds a while before any of the buildings opened at noon. It wasn't crowded as we explored all the animal barns, craft displays and such.
It a nice country fair with animal judging and displays of the things made by local residents. Our own fair is a city fair with little of this.
One of the reasons we haven't made it to this fair is a concern about the heat. Two years ago we were nearby in Pismo Beach, 30 miles away, during fair time but it was 115 degrees there and mid 70's at the beach. We passed on the visit at that time. This year it's in the mid 90's but quite comfortable. Even the animals are comfy. There are lots of fans and many of these huge evaporative coolers (4 feet square).
We did things backwards (as usual) and parked at the fair but left to go downtown for dinner. I don't care for fair food, over priced, questionable sanitation and not very good at best, usually. Dawn and Lou wanted a chance to visit a thrift store downtown then we ate at the Downtown Brewery. Lou and Dawn shared a rack of beef ribs and I had a nice hamburger. We also stopped by the library before heading back to the fair on the free shuttle.The fair is one of the best around these parts. Our own Santa Clara County Fair is dead, not even worth a visit. We do like the Watsonville Fair and the Humbolt fair but that's about it for good fairs in California that we've found though we haven't been to all of them, yet.
It became VERY crowded in the evening. so we headed home about 730pm.
We stopped for gas in San Miguel. Gas was $4.45, still 21 cents less than at home but not as cheap as we've seen along the road today, some down to $4.29. But, it's not worth a tow nor the inconvenience of the crowds around the fair to save a total of $2 on a fill up. It used to be that saving a few cents per gallon meant something but when it's up in the multiple dollars per gallon saving 20 cents a gallon doesn't amount to a very high percentage of the egregious purchase price of a tank of gas. I'm not fooled any more by slight reductions in the price of gas now that it's so high priced. The price is always slower for fall than it is to rise and never drops as far as it rose for the same change in the price of a barrel of oil. But I digress.
Nice trip.
Note: No, we haven't given up using the RV. We're just hanging around home for the remodeling and with the price of gas, we do, at least, consider the most economical way to travel, even taking buses and trains around home for some trips. We do plan to be back on the road for a while by mid September.
Thursday: (07/31) Back home and back at it. Just doing little projects in prep of the siding installation and window replacement. The water heater cabinet is finished.
Friday: (08/01) I installed a new mail slot through the wall. The existing is in the garage door. When the door is replaced, i don't want it in the door. Lowe's seems to be acting like an un-concerned vendor. It's going on 4 weeks now and the door isn't even scheduled for installation yet. When we stopped by the store, on the second time, we found out it had an unidentifiable hold on the installation. On hold and forgotten is more like it. We think we got it straightened out but still haven't been contacted about the installation yet. I'll have to get on their case next week.
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