Monday: (07/07) I removed the roof and the framing from the shop walls today. It did make for a hot days work with the temperature being over 100 today.
Lou and Dawn picked most of the rest apricots on our tree. She froze some and gave bags to most of the neighbors as well. That's a problem with a fruit tree or garden. Everything gets ripe at one time and then something has to be done with them.
Tuesday: (07/08) Not much work today. Too hot. I did finish up the removal of the shop roof by removing a metal header on the wall of the house. Sounds simple but it was glued on. I also disassembled the framing I removed yesterday down to individual 2x4's and stacked it all away.
Wednesday: (07/09) I got up very early to attend a Webinar on how to use my AlphaFive software. A webinar is a seminar that is held online. We'll, since it involved the use of a computer, things immediately started to go wrong. I had no Internet connection this morning. I finally got a connection after tinkering around for an hour and a half. Of course, the problem turned out to be Microsoft's fault. My computer downloaded an automatic upgrade yesterday. Before I went to bed, I restarted my computer so that it would be running at full speed today. It slows down with use. Microsoft's patch didn't become affective until after the reboot. The patch caused a problem with my firewall, ZoneAlarm, making it not see the Internet. I eventually made an adjustment to ZoneAlarm, reducing it's security a little and got connected again an hour after the six hour Webinar started. Fortunately they were covering basic stuff then and I'm familiar with that.
This afternoon when I read my news feeds, I learned about the patch and what I did was exactly what ZoneAlarm recommended to get back on line. They also recommend removing the Microsoft patch as a better fix. A frustrating start to the day. Just getting up at 5:30 to attend the seminar that was on Eastern time was tough enough, I thought, until I tried to connect.
Well, the remodel started today. The windows got their final measurement and are now ordered. About two weeks until they should be ready to install.
Other than the Webinar, I took the day off from real work. It's over 100 degrees again today so being inside with our cooler running is quite pleasant.
Lou made apricot cobbler with some of our home grown apricots and she and Dawn finished the laundry.
Thursday: (07/10) I removed the green house today. On the left above, the inside of the green house. It really is just used to protect the yard plants in the winter. It was already mostly empty since it's summer. On the right is a view from the outside. This project went a LOT quicker then the shop removal thou I thought it would take longer than it did. I was through by 1:30, before it got really hot (only mid 90's today).
View after removal from opposite end. When the siding installation is finished, I'll reinstall it. It needed new roofing anyway. The old corrugated vinyl sheets were pretty well burnt by the sun, in addition to the holes I've poked in them with ladder. The side walls, which are white rather than clear, are in perfect shape. Interesting.
Note the evaporative cooler in the distance. It is quite small but the air enters the sun room at the back of the house and blows through the entire house exiting at the garage. Every room is cooled very well with no air conditioner needed. For some reason there are very few people around here with evaporative coolers? Someday I may hookup the RV's solar system to power the cooler when the sun shines. That solar power is basically going to waste when we're home and 2/3 of the cooling is when the sun shines. That sounds like a project, but it goes to the bottom of the long list.
Friday: (07/11) I spent the morning working on the computers doing upgrades of my ZoneAlarm firewall to fix the bad patch from Microsoft yesterday. I then re-upgraded Windows. A bunch of work for something that should be automatic. What's wrong with these people?
About 2pm, Lou and Dawn took me to the Crazy Buffet in Sunnyvale for lunch. It's a pretty good Chinese buffet and the closest to us. We were in the area anyway to look and light fixtures. I also picked up some panels at our closest Lowe's there.
Saturday: (07/12) Lou started by moving out of the laundry area. Today, the laundry area in the garage was the victim of our efforts. It needed attention for several reasons, a bad leaky drain pipe for the washer, some other plumbing needs, some rotten wood, even some dry wood termites in some wood paneling. Most of it was ripped out in preparation for a new facelift.
I also moved our four wheeled bike from the side yard, aired the tires and washed it. It's ready for a little jaunt if anybody feels vigorous.
What joy! the Internet is down again but this time it may be something I did. I cleaned up outside by the phone service entrance. I probably rattled or flooded the phone wiring. We have dialtone there but not in the house and no DSL for the Internet. Something to occupy the morning tomorrow. To coin a phrase, "If it isn't one thing, It's another!"
Sunday: (07/13) My brother Ernie celebrates his 22nd anniversary of his 39th birthday today. It's an interesting way to calculate an historic date but any calculation that ends up as a celebration is a good thing.
I spent a good part of the day finishing up some demolishin in the laundry room and doing a dump run. With that done, I did a little shopping for material.
Lou and Dawn went down to San Jose to go to a sale at the historical museum there. Interesting but fortunately no treasures found.
Lou fixed salmon salad sandwiches for dinner. She used some of the salmon she smoked a while back. Very good.
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