9pm: The tire pressure monitor went off. I went outside to look at the Jeep's right front tire that was alarmed. It was oozing air from around a nice little nail. Something to do tomorrow.
(GPS: 35.128966, -120.6350696)
Friday: (01/20) Pancakes with apple sauce and smoked sausage for breakfast. We started the morning by calling AAA auto club. They showed up in ten minutes and had the spare on in about five more minutes. We then took a walk up the beach to the Pismo Peir and watched the surfers for a while. Lou returned to camp while I did a little geo-caching. I looked for four caches and found three. When I returned we went down to Figueroa's Tire in Oceana, about two miles South of camp to get the flat fixed. They had it fixed and re-installed on the Jeep in about 15 minutes. We then stopped at the Rock And Roll Diner in Oceana for lunch. We shared a shredded pork sandwich and some clam chowder. After lunch we did our requisite thrift store searches. Leftovers for dinner. I had bok choy with rice and a hot dog bun. Lou had a green salad.
Pismo sunset.
Saturday: (01/21) Sausage, egg and home fired potatoes and peppers for breakfast. A morning walk to the beach was interesting. There was no beach. The high surf made the beach disappear. Normally there is a beach several hundred feet wide. We looked at some RVs at the dealer across from the park then went up to San Luis Obispo and stopped at some thrift stores and looked around downtown. We had a very late lunch at the Home Town Buffet in San Luis Obispo. When we got home about 5pm Prairie Home Companion was just coming on on the local public radio station KBCX. KCBX is a combination of our own local public radio stations KALW and KQED. Our usual Fridays often include listening to the Thisitle And Shamrock on KALW and to Prairie Home Companion on KQED. How convenient here to have them both on the same station.
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