Our green house minus its wall.
Where the old dirt pile was located is now filled with the plants from the rear of the house that had to be moved for the walkway.
Tuesday: (10/09) I chipped away at digging out the walkway and filling up the dumpster. Not really productive today. Only a half dozen loads or so. Looks like I'll run out of dumpster space before completing the dig. Pizza for breakfast, apple fritter for brunch. Leftover fettuccine and meatballs for lunch. Chili and sausage for dinner.
Wednesday: (10/10) Cereal with a banana for breakfast. I spent the first half of the day digging and moving dirt to the dumpster. The dumpster is almost full now but I still have more dirt to dig out and will probably have some extra. I finished for the day about 13:30 and cleaned up for lunch. I stopped by the local Jack In The Box for a sourdough cheese steak sandwich, fries and a milk shake. I then drove out to Portola Valley and took the hike I'll be leading this Friday. It's a good thing too. I got lost and hiked a couple of extra miles but now know how to do the hike I described in the notice I sent out to my hiking group. I didn't want to get everyone lost. So my test hike was about 9 miles and I finished up at 18:30 just before dark. The trail is quite nice. I stopped by our local Panda Express Chinese fast food joint for some chow mein and orange chicken for dinner. Today was a two shower day, once after dirt moving and a second after me moving.
Thursday: (10/11) Cereal and yogurt for breakfast. I spent the morning doing the final few loads of dirt. I managed to top off the dumpster and called for its pickup. In doing so, I managed to cut a good chunk of skin off the bottom of my foot. Since I just had a couple of loads of dirt to dig out I just wore my crock shoes and my foot slipped out against the shovel. I do hope it doesn't interfere with my hike tomorrow. Chili beans and sausage for lunch. For dinner, I went by Chili's Restaurant for a chicken fried steak dinner. I received an orientation from Courtney on the care and feeding of Spunky, whom I'll be taking care of for a few days.
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