Wednesday: (04/15) Up early, did final loading of backpack. Off the breakfast at Evergreen Cafe, chicken fried steak and eggs with a pancake. I didn't do it justice even though everything was good. Not much appetite. Possibly because of my cold that's getting worse. The owner of the motel gave me a lift to the trailhead for $10. The icy wind was blowing hard. I had to put on my thermal top and sun gloves to be comfortable. I almost had to change to my real cold weather gloves. At Vincent Gap MM374 I chose to take the Manzanita trail around My Baden Powell rather than up it on the PCT. Too much wind today, and snow on the ground up there. I rejoined the PCT, effectively, at South Fork Campground where the PCT has been rerouted due to a closure for a protected toad species. I'm camped at mile 7.5 of 20 miles on the Endangered Species Bypass trail,about equivalent to MM388 on the PCT. I stopped at 1730 because of a nice campsite at Holcomb Creek. I'm at 4500 feet so I'm hoping it's warmer here.

The trail.

My camp at Holcumb creek.
GPS: 34.400672 -117.839463
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