Wednesday: (04/01) Up at 0700. I did some packing of the pack then went to the Teddy Bear Restaurant for a final visit. A nice Ortega chili omelet. Then I returned to the hostel, did the final packing, did my hostel housekeeping, and put on the now really heavy pack and walked to the bus stop. I had a ten minute wait for the bus. The bus dropped me by the Big Bear City PO. I then walked one half mile across the valley to highway 18. At that point every car is going up to where I need to go rather than likely just running about town. Within 10 minutes I got picked up and arrived at the trailhead 5 miles from town at 0941. A moment latter one of the other hikers at the Hostel arrived too. He had started his travels before I went to breakfast having to wait two hours for his ride waiting in town. I made a final call to Lou before hitting the trail at 1000.

Some nice and some rotten trail. I hate the loose rocks slide areas like on the right above.

Above left is one of my salami logs. In this case it was part of lunch but usually is part of breakfasts. The trail follows the ridge North of the Big Bear Valley so I did a lot of walking but was often still overlooking the town. Above right is a view of the Big Bear Village across the lake where I stayed.
I made 20 miles by doing an hour and a half night hiking after my dinner. Stopped at MM286 at the Little Bear Spring Trail Camp. There was a nice moon to help the night hiking. Now down to 6600' so hopefully no freeze tonight.
GPS: 34.301377 -116.97753
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