Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Ernie’s Vacation


Ernie is here on vacation. It's a vacation because he's here in his jeep rather than his big truck. He will be getting a new truck in a couple of weeks and he's trying to avoid driving the old one too much so it won't require any repairs before he turns it in.

He and I installed a new radio in his Jeep this morning. It required four hands to complete due to the terrible design of the dashboard. Very hard to get access and remove things.

Ernie fixed a very good Shepard's Pie for dinner. I think we'll enjoy his vacation.


Beef Stroganoff for dinner :)


A visit to Fry's and then computer tinkering was the rule of the day except later in the afternoon when Ernie barbecued a pile of meats. Dinner was barbecued meat of choice and potato salad and homemade pomegranate ice cream. The rest of the meat went home with Ernie or in the freezer.

Ernie fixed biscuits and Gravy for breakfast. We all enjoyed them very much, especially the doggies.

He packed up and departed with the doggies just before 11 am.

It's always a pleasure to have Ernie drop by. Now for a diet.

Lou and Dawn went to the rummage sale at Stanford with the neighbor after Ernie departed.

We enjoyed nice weather all during Ernie's visit but now a storm is moving in so we'll get some rain.

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