Sunday: (11/17) We did our weekly grocery trip this morning before breakfast. Dawn has been looking for a “HappyLite” and found one on FreeCycle. A person at Stanford university was getting rid of it. We stopped by their lab to pick it up. Always nice to find what you want for free. A HappyLite provides a bright light that is supposed to mimic a bright sunny day making a person happier. They are used a lot in Alaska. Our donor was from Chicago. Must be dreary in the winter there too? I finished moving a couple of more plants into the greenhouse, the last of them.

In the evening I drove down to San Jose for more work on the house tomorrow. I hate the traffic in the morning. Leftover Don’s home fried potatoes with sausage and eggs for breakfast. Leftovers du jour for lunch. I made a green pepper, hamburger, rice and tomato meal in one. It’s really my stuffed pepper recipe but I use the last of our green peppers from the garden and many were small so I just cut all the peppers into large chunks.
Monday: (11/18) The neighbors tree has buried the yard in leaves so I spent the morning removing the leaves to a pile in the street for the City to remove. Dawn provided some materials for me to deliver to the Library which I did at noon and picked up my lunch on the way. During lunch I planned and posted a hike for my hiking group for this Friday. My lunch wore me out so I took a little nap then got to work digging my two post holes for the fence. In the evening I stopped by Home Depot and got some lumber, stakes, rebar and concrete dobies for the fence base. Since I was next to a Best Buy store, I stopped in to peek at what’s new. For breakfast leftover Don’s home fried potatoes with peppers and onions served with sausage and eggs. Lunch was a La Victoria carnitas super burrito. My lunch lasted so I just had a slice of cherry pie with a glass of milk for dinner.
Tuesday: (11/19) This morning I was busy digging more dirt for the fence base. After lunch with the crew, I stopped in to Home Depot for some more lumber. I decided I would raise the fence base two inches from the level of the adjacent fence so that the high ground by the old garage slab next door isn’t higher then the base. This required 2×6′s instead of the 2×4′s I bought before because I had already dug out the trench. When I got home I installed 3/4ths of the forming before it got too dark to continue. In the evening it started to rain heavily and about 0030 the power went out for a couple of hours. I know because I had to get up to turn off the light I had left on. More leftover Don’s potatoes with sausage and eggs for breakfast. I met Lou, Dawn and Ernie for lunch at the Harry’s Hofbrau on Saratoga Avenue after her PT appointment. Dinner was leftover green peppers and rice.
Wednesday: (11/20) We had a really heavy rain last night, first in a very long while. Today is cloudy with a threat of rain. I finished installing the forms for the first two sections of the fence and added the rebar. It was ready to pour by 11am but with the 70% threat of rain today and a 20% chance tomorrow, I won’t be pouring the concrete until this weekend or next week. I’ll have to shift back to some protected paint stripping under the porch or take some time off now.Well, that didn’t happen. We had a really heavy long soaking in the afternoon. I never got back to work.

I did enjoy some web browsing, especially reading a blog by an Aussie who just completed the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) this year. She had never done backpacking prior to starting the 2663 mile journey from Mexico to Canada. It is quite interesting following her trials and tribulations along the trail. Her success provides even more inspiration for me to attempt it. I’ve been considering doing it piece-meal but may attempt the whole enchilada instead. Of course, I’d find out if I really can carry a backpack and do 20-25 miles a day continuously with a few trial hikes first. It would take five months to complete.
Granola for breakfast. Cheese sandwich an yogurt for lunch. Italian sausage, potato and cheese sandwich for dinner.
Thursday: (11/21) Today was quite windy and cold in the morning with lots of dark clouds but the afternoon was pretty nice. I tinkered in the morning moving the cement mixer in place for the pour next week. I also moved the scaffolds into place for more paint prep and then spent some time with the heat gun stripping some siding until my heat gun died. Number two dead. Based on the life expectancy of these two heat guns I suspect I’ll need about 5 more to complete the paint job. It isn’t too bad since they only cost $15 each. I picked up a new one on the way home. Chorizo and eggs with cheese for breakfast. A chicken pot pie for lunch. For dinner I took Lou to a new restaurant in the neighborhood, The Corner Bakery. I had a Parmesan chicken with mac and cheese wile Lou had a chopped salad.
In the evening I drove down to San Jose for more work on the house tomorrow. I hate the traffic in the morning. Leftover Don’s home fried potatoes with sausage and eggs for breakfast. Leftovers du jour for lunch. I made a green pepper, hamburger, rice and tomato meal in one. It’s really my stuffed pepper recipe but I use the last of our green peppers from the garden and many were small so I just cut all the peppers into large chunks.
Monday: (11/18) The neighbors tree has buried the yard in leaves so I spent the morning removing the leaves to a pile in the street for the City to remove. Dawn provided some materials for me to deliver to the Library which I did at noon and picked up my lunch on the way. During lunch I planned and posted a hike for my hiking group for this Friday. My lunch wore me out so I took a little nap then got to work digging my two post holes for the fence. In the evening I stopped by Home Depot and got some lumber, stakes, rebar and concrete dobies for the fence base. Since I was next to a Best Buy store, I stopped in to peek at what’s new. For breakfast leftover Don’s home fried potatoes with peppers and onions served with sausage and eggs. Lunch was a La Victoria carnitas super burrito. My lunch lasted so I just had a slice of cherry pie with a glass of milk for dinner.
Tuesday: (11/19) This morning I was busy digging more dirt for the fence base. After lunch with the crew, I stopped in to Home Depot for some more lumber. I decided I would raise the fence base two inches from the level of the adjacent fence so that the high ground by the old garage slab next door isn’t higher then the base. This required 2×6′s instead of the 2×4′s I bought before because I had already dug out the trench. When I got home I installed 3/4ths of the forming before it got too dark to continue. In the evening it started to rain heavily and about 0030 the power went out for a couple of hours. I know because I had to get up to turn off the light I had left on. More leftover Don’s potatoes with sausage and eggs for breakfast. I met Lou, Dawn and Ernie for lunch at the Harry’s Hofbrau on Saratoga Avenue after her PT appointment. Dinner was leftover green peppers and rice.
Wednesday: (11/20) We had a really heavy rain last night, first in a very long while. Today is cloudy with a threat of rain. I finished installing the forms for the first two sections of the fence and added the rebar. It was ready to pour by 11am but with the 70% threat of rain today and a 20% chance tomorrow, I won’t be pouring the concrete until this weekend or next week. I’ll have to shift back to some protected paint stripping under the porch or take some time off now.Well, that didn’t happen. We had a really heavy long soaking in the afternoon. I never got back to work.
I did enjoy some web browsing, especially reading a blog by an Aussie who just completed the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) this year. She had never done backpacking prior to starting the 2663 mile journey from Mexico to Canada. It is quite interesting following her trials and tribulations along the trail. Her success provides even more inspiration for me to attempt it. I’ve been considering doing it piece-meal but may attempt the whole enchilada instead. Of course, I’d find out if I really can carry a backpack and do 20-25 miles a day continuously with a few trial hikes first. It would take five months to complete.
Granola for breakfast. Cheese sandwich an yogurt for lunch. Italian sausage, potato and cheese sandwich for dinner.
Thursday: (11/21) Today was quite windy and cold in the morning with lots of dark clouds but the afternoon was pretty nice. I tinkered in the morning moving the cement mixer in place for the pour next week. I also moved the scaffolds into place for more paint prep and then spent some time with the heat gun stripping some siding until my heat gun died. Number two dead. Based on the life expectancy of these two heat guns I suspect I’ll need about 5 more to complete the paint job. It isn’t too bad since they only cost $15 each. I picked up a new one on the way home. Chorizo and eggs with cheese for breakfast. A chicken pot pie for lunch. For dinner I took Lou to a new restaurant in the neighborhood, The Corner Bakery. I had a Parmesan chicken with mac and cheese wile Lou had a chopped salad.
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