Saturday: (11/03) I started my work day by going to the hardware store for a few more sprinkler fittings and then completing the sprinklers by the walkway. I then backfilled the trench. Next, I set up a form to pour the edge for the ramp portion of the walkway and poured the concrete edge. And finally, I sealed the edge of the greenhouse where it abuts my shop so leaves cant come in. There was about an inch clearance. I also cleaned all the leaves off my shop roof and pruned the tree limbs above it then got all that into the compost bins.
Pancakes and sausage for breakfast. Cottage cheese with fruit for lunch. Zucchini lasagna with spinach for dinner.
Now, where does the hour come from that we get tonight when we reset our clocks back?
Sunday: (11/04) I relaxed most of the day. Lou and Dawn took care of their garage sale inspections. We went to a very late breakfast to a local restaurant in Los Altos, A Good Morning. They make nice omelets. Lou's bacon potato soup for dinner.
Monday: (11/05) I got to work outside by setting most of the edge pavers for the walkway. In the afternoon I had a dentist appointment. I had a bacon Don McMuffin for breakfast. Lou made cheese burgers on her homemade gluten free buns. Dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Redwood City.
Tuesday: (11/06) Lou made corned beef hash for breakfast. She doesn't goof around having put a corned beef brisket in the crock pot last night. I do it the easy way and open a can of corned beef. Lou made spaghetti for lunch. My next task was to vote. I then started to work. I set the rest of the edge pavers by the sheds. Then I started to set the bricks for the base of the wall for the shed. I needed to drill some holes in the floor slab for wall anchors but had the wrong bit size. So off to the hardware store I went. In the afternoon I finished laying some bricks as a retaining wall for the walkway. The bricks will be part of the new shed wall. Dinner was a chili verde potato. Interesting evening watching the election results.
Wednesday: (11/07) I relaxed inside until about 11am watching the morning shows.
When I finally got outside to work I started laying bricks for the walkway in front of Lou's future shed. I got them all in, sanded and ran the plate compactor over them. Nice to have a continuous walkway to my shop now. I have a few finishing touches to do later. We're supposed to have a couple of days of rain tomorrow and Friday so I should get to relax some more or at least do something different like get some more bricks for the final portion of the walkway at the back of the house. Don McMuffin for breakfast. Leftover spaghetti for lunch. Leftover peach blintzes and sausage for dinner.
Thursday: (11/08) I spent the morning finishing up the walkway by the sheds. I cut off the drain pipes and cleanouts to make a flat surface and grouted them. I also did a final backfill of the edge of the walkway. And I put some of the materials and tools away. Today was threatening rain so I started early and just beat the first sprinkles about 10:30. I then headed off to Home Depot in Sunnyvale to get more bricks for the walkway behind the house. This project has grown and taken up the whole year but it is almost done. The walkway behind the house really wasn't on the calendar for this year but it just seemed like a good thing to integrate the baserock deliveries and dirt disposal with it. It will also look better than before. Anyway, I made three trips from the store moving a pallet of bricks home, enough to finish the project. Had I known the extent of the project when I tarted, I could have had three pallets of bricks delivered but since the project has grown in thirds, I never got more than a pallet and it just doesn't seem practical to pay the delivery cost for one pallet. I am cheap and do , evidently, have too much time on my hands. The rain didn't really develop so I got all the bricks in the backyard ready to install.
Breakfast was leftover corned beef hash and eggs. I had a late lunch at the Hometown buffet in Santa Clara. I can still eat there, Lou and Dawn won't. They had lunch at Original Joe's in San Jose. It was Thursday so they have corned beef and cabbage as their special. I wasn't too hungry for dinner, nor were they so we had leftovers.
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