Sunday: (03/15) I didn't like the new ropes that i used to replace the old ones. I can't seem to make them get a good grip so the connections keep coming apart. So, I made another trip to the hardware store and picked up some steel cable to and swage fittings to do the job right. I even got a swage crimping tool. Cutting the cable is a problem so i only finished one. Possibly time for another tool? I had to visit a second hardware store to get a replacement ceramic valve assembly to replace a leaking valve in one of the bathrooms. None of the hardware stores around here ever have a full supply of the things I want. Brunch at the Cupa Cafe in downtown Palo Alto. It was a place Dawn found. Venezuela food so breakfast had a new twist. I had a breakfast wrap that was grilled in a panini machine like the breakfast burrito I had in Snokomish, Washington last fall. Tuna and cheese pasta for dinner.
Monday: (03/16) Omelets with strawberries for breakfast. We did some work on the plants in the yard. With this early spring, the plants get out of the greenhouse months earlier than usual. Lou and Dawn had appointments and errands in the late morning and all afternoon. We bought several new planters for the yard and they needed to get homes and filled with plants. I continued to work on that and general cleanup of the yard. Lots more to do. Leftover tuna and cheese pasta for lunch. A gluten free chicken an garlic pizza from our recently opened neighborhood Papa Murphy's Pizza location for dinner. From watching the guy make the pizza, I think it was the first pizza he ever made. It was good though. I spent the evening working on my hike plan.
Tuesday: (03/17) More tinkering on my computer. I finished the cables for the swing replacement. I also finished moving the plants around. Granola and Bananas for breakfast. Chicken cabbages salad for lunch.
Wednesday: (03/18) Granola and Bananas for breakfast. We spent a little time working in the yard in the morning. I used Dawn;s little Zappy scooter to run to the Post Office for some shipping boxes. Who needs a jeep? For lunch I caught the bus down to my Dim Sum fast food joint in Sunnyvale. I actually like riding buses. On my return I stopped in at the garage and the Jeep was ready. Actually, it was ready Monday but I never checked my phone messages. I didn't expect it that soon. For dinner I made stuffed bell peppers. I started preparing my resupply boxes today. This time, I actually prepared an inventory and will gather my supplies with some idea of what quantities I'll need. I need to prepare five resupply boxes and two starting backpack loads for these two sections. Actually I be completing sections C and D and then E and F. I'm not sure of the method the PCTA used to identify the section numbers but by their method I completed Sections A and B last year and also Sections H thru L in Washington. Lou and Dawn had some errands and Lou also cleaned out the swamp cooler for our early summer. In addition to liking to ride buses, I like riding trains. I now plan on taking the train down to Palm Springs to restart my hike.
Thursday: (03/19) I was busy collecting and organizing my supplies. It's amazing how much stuff is needed. I'm almost overwhelmed by just the 500 miles I'm preparing to supply. I'm rather glad I'm not really doing all my resupply boxes for the entire 2660 miles of the hike. Fresh baked scones for breakfast. A loaded breakfast sandwich from Jack In the Box for lunch. We all went to dinner at the Crepevine. A nice Philly crepe for me and Lou and Dawn shared a "San Francisco" salmon crepe.
After dinner we walked around University Avenue in Palo Alto. Two interesting shops to browse. A staff-less shop with robots to greet you and answer questions.
And a nice advanced electri bike shop. I really like the scooter.
Friday: (03/20) Lou made carrot cupcakes with cream cheese for breakfast. That actually became breakfast rather than a desert when Lou was distracted from breakfast with a call from Ceceilla wanting a ride from the car shop. Then they were Lou and Dawn were off with Ceceilla and Meili to rummage sales. I took Dawn's Zappy scooter for a ride to Mountain View to visit the TAP Plastic store to get some odd sized ziplock bags for resupply organization. I also stopped by the lock shop to get copies of the key for the scooter before we loose the one we have. I also stopped by the Cost Plus store for some more sausages. Divided larger quantity items into individual sized bags. Tested a new dry chili soup for my lunch. I updated my resupply plan , filled daily meal bags. I was again busy much of the day organizing my food resupply boxes. A visit to Fry's got me replacement lithium AAA batteries and Walmart for more granola bars now that they have restocked after I bought them out a few days ago. I should now have all my supplies but still need to bag a lot more. Another item I got was a tax program to start doing my taxes. Have to do something with that before I go. As usual it will be completed after an extension. My lunch was my test chili. Everyone else went to our local Tacos El Greuelense restaurant. Lou made tempura for dinner.
Saturday: (03/21) I finally got my resupply boxes completed and loaded my pack. The pack is 30 pounds, lighter than my previous pack but still too heavy. A six day load of food is 10 pounds and then there will be plenty of water probably 14-22 pounds. Still some things to complete so I won;t be departing tomorrow as I should but hopefully will depart on Monday. Lou made chili rellenos for breakfast. Ham sandwiches for lunch. Chinese food and hot and sour soup for dinner.
Sunday: (03/22) We must have had some rain shower early this morning as evidenced by our moist sidewalks and street. Probably unmeasurable. I prepared corned beef hash an eggs for breakfast. I still had a few little things to complete. I should have made a better note of things to do. I knew I was supposed to go to REI for something but couldn't remember what it was I needed until about 1645, too late to get there before they closed. What I needed was a couple of more collapsible water bottles. I wanted two more Platypus bottles like I have but had to get out the two Sawyer bottles I have. They are more prone to develop leaks. I can also just use regular plastic bottles. Otherwise I seem to be ready to catch the train tomorrow morning. Or so I thought. When I tried to buy my ticket from Amtrak, the cupboard was bare. No seats until Wednesday. That's both good and bad. bad for me since i will be two more days late in starting the hike. God in several ways. Because I didn't start the hike this morning, if I hiked at my estimated speed I would arrive in Big bear on Saturday when the Post office hours are more limited. Now I'll likely be arriving on a Monday. Also, it's good to know people are riding the trains. There are more smart people than I thought. I now depart Wednesday morning and start the hike Thursday. Sausage, stuffed mushrooms and leftover tempura for dinner.
All my resupply boxes ready for Lou to mail as needed.
Monday: (03/23) Another cool overcast day. Lou and Dawn were off all day for appointments. library visits and shopping. I used Dawn's scooter again to deliver my first resupply box to the post office. I also dropped by the REI store in Mountain View bought my need water bottles. I also got a new sun shirt and a pair of convertible pants. I really like her scooter. Leftover hash and eggs for breakfast. A ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. Artichoke chicken with rice for dinner.
Tuesday: (03/24) I see sun outside. I'm enjoying my two extra days at home. A problem with extra time is over thinking. I took a shopping trip and picked up a couple of things I thought I "needed." Granola and blue berries for breakfast. Chinese for lunch. Spinach potatoes au gratin with asparagus and ham for dinner.
The pack now weighs 51 pounds with food and 2 liters of water.
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