Monday: (12/29) A nice morning, warmer, no frost this morning. A breakfast sandwich to prepare for my hike. Seven hikers arrived for my hike. We were on the Condor Gulch Trail about 1000 and finished about 1500. Nice clear skies and shirt sleave weather. We met Joe, a member of the Condor Crew with his radio tracker checking the position of the condors in the area at the top of the High Peaks Trail. He was a wealth of information about the birds. We had lunch with Joe as we learmed everything about the birds. While there a couple of Condors were spotted flying across the valley. Too far to get a really good view. Just after we left a pair started circling just over our heads nice and close. The birds continued to circle almost like they wanted to make sure Joe got a good view of them. We certainly did. Then at the Juniper Trail Junction we met Susan, another hiker from our group out for a hike with her family. As we headed home we visited the Bear Gulch Reserviour which was full. Then we completed the hike through the Bear Gulch Caves which were wonderful. Great 6.7 mile hike.

Looking up toward the High Peaks from the Condor Gulch Trail. On the right we are taking a little side trip off the trail.

Some of the fun spots in the High Peaks area.

Condor Crew member Joe taking radio sightings while we lunched. On the right we're headed down from the top where we then sighted the circling condor.

A concor circling overhead.

Heading down toward Bear Gulch on High Peaks Trail.

Bear Gulch Reservoir.
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