Friday: (08/22) On trail 0720. A short distance away from my camp I noticed the the reason for the noisy creek all night, It's called Thunder Creek for a reason. Since leaving Snow Lake yesterday I saw no other hikers until a three log crossing of a very wide river. Of course the congestion would be at a place you couldn't pass. There were a couple doing a section hike. Just across the river I stopped by the Goldmeyer hot springs for a planned soak. Decided against it because it would have cost $15 for a day pass to soak. To expensive of a bath. I continued on through rumbling skies and showers over the top of the other side of the valley and stopped to camp where the alternate trail rejoined the main PCT trail. Only saw one hiker the rest of the day. I spent the night about 1/8th mile from the PCT junction at MM 2438 camped with Bird Food. No wonder he had a visit from a mouse in the evening. Really nice forest today, very green almost like the Olympic forests. About 3pm the skies started to rumble some then rasined for two hours, heavy at first the light rain. Then it cleared again.

Jus like a Japanese garden.

Sorry for the bad picture of the multi-log river crossing. The morning sun must have ruined it.Sufice it to say good balance is helpful, wish i had better.

Wow, an artesian spring, maybe?
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