Saturday: (08/23) Up 0630, on trail 0830. Most of the day was UP getting to Cathedral Rock then down to what was identified in the trail info as a hazardous river crossing. It really wasn't too bad if walking across roaring steep river on two springy 6" logs is OK with you. I was passed by a dozen or so NB through hikers. It was dark by the time i got to a possible camp site where a couple of tents were already setup. I stuffed my tent into a really tight not level site, too tired to hike further. Camped MM 2453. Just before crossing the river a trail angel gave me a luscious plum. A couple of hours into the night I was awakened by some ruffling. I had a mouse in the tent. All my food was in my pack under me but the mouse gnawed through the tent screen right by the wrapper from a granola bar I had for desert. (note to self...) I was awake much of the night on mouse watch.

Fun to cross the river.

Nice mushrooms.
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