Sunday: (04/27) The wind, that blew all night, subsided a little so I packed up and hit the trail at 0730. Black Swan was just ahead. He and the others arrived and stayed under the bridge. I camped in the open nearby. One of the hikers I’ve been around, Cody, has a trail name now, Papaya, because he eats a lot of dried papaya. It was a long climb up on exposed trail. Fortunately the weather was mild. I found a nice lounger rock for my lunch stop.
I tried a selfie photo using my new StikPic camera mount.
I caught up with all the hikers I’ve been clustered with at The Third Gate. I had dinner and a two hour break. While having dinner, a hiker started off up the trail and stopped suddenly about 20 feet from where we were relaxing beside the trail. He spotted a rattle snake beside the trail (above right). The snake was comfortable beside the trail and didn’t move so the hiker used his trekking pole and picked up it’s tail and flung him. That made the snake quite upset and there was a lot of rattling for a while whenever someone approached on the trail. Lesson learned, don’t make a snake upset. Eventually the rattling stopped so I was able to then hike another 4 miles to camp on a nice windy ridge stopping at 1930.
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