Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 9, More Kickoff

(04/26) Up at 0650, just in time for our bagel breakfast. It was very windy and raining all night and much of the day.  I hung out chatting and avoiding the rain until I decided to walk to the market. They have an I cream shop and were serving breakfast. I ordered a burrito which took about an hour to arrive. While waiting, I noticed they had a special, not on the menu, CFS. Darn! The burrito was excellent. I ate it walking back to camp. I managed to miss the talk on flora and fauna due to my hunger. I spent much of the day trying to arrange a ride back to Julian. I managed to secure the ride about 1636, but we were to leave at 1700. I had to very quickly break my camp. When I arrived the driver said he was going to stay for the nightly movie so would depart at 2030. I got to enjoy our hamburger dinner with potato salad and brownies. They even had a birthday cake for someone, but I’ll consider it was for me since I’m 65 today. I was dropped off at Sizzers Crossing at 2355. It was a very long day. I set up camp and went to sleep with the coyotes.

PCT Hike ADZPCTKO campers _ PCT Hike ADZPCTKO Class Of 2014 Picture _
Lots of little tents in the campground. Above right is the Class Picture about to happen from the classmate side.

PCT Hike ADZPCTKO Dinner _ PCT Hike ADZPCTKO Birthday Cake _
Above left is the chow line. Today was my birthday and they had a birthday cake. It wasn’t meant for me but I pretended it was.

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